My ported & raised compression '03 has 'holy crap' power through the midrange, with a healthy improvement on the bottom and improved overrev on top.
Bedell and I run near identical setups including porting, with the sole exception that his '02 was running the stock reeds and Mikuni carb when I rode it. We traded off for a few laps, and it became evident that the power advantage of my '03 was profound (I'd guess 4-5HP through the midrange). It had us scratching our heads. I believe he has since changed out his reeds for the V-force setup (I run Boyesen) and he reports a marked improvement. I'm still somewhat skeptical that reeds and carb alone could account for such a difference, and have wondered if differences in the CDi unit between '02 and '03 could also contribute.
So this is somewhat off-topic, but my point was that there can be considerable variance in the performance of any machine, even identical models with very close setups. Don't underestimate the effect that supporting mods and good jetting can have on the way your ported bike runs.