2005 YZ 125 bogs?


Sep 13, 2005
I have a 2005 YZ 125 that bogs when you twist the throttle in every gear, this is at lower rpms. It just fall right off as if it is out of fuel or air it only lasts for a split second then it goes fine until you close the throttle and open in again. The plug looks good so I thought maybe I got water in it so I drained the float bowl on the carb and put in fresh gas and cleaned and dried the air filter but it still does it. The bike was fine before it was washed so do you think it is a water problem which will require removal of the carb? Any help?


Dec 18, 2004
If nothing else has changed since before the wash then it sounds like wet electrical.

Take your ignition cover off and spray something like WD-40 on the contacts. Check for a loose or wet/corroded ground.

Keep the power washer at a safer distance.
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