2006 YZ450F I need a bit of assistance


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
Could someone with a 2006 YZ450F take a look at their bike and compare the picture to what you have on your bike.
My son crashed yesterday and bent the right (one with cap) radiator back. I know the mounts are tweaked and the rad is sitting bck enough that the hose is kinked. I am probably over reacting but I need to know if where the hose connects to the engine if the metal pipe has a collar all the way around. As you can see the front portion of the pipe has no collar and on the engine it almost appears to be a piece broken away. Could you please just look at yours and say if it is the same or if ours is missing a piece


Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Dave - That pipe extends about an inch into the boss on the cylinder head. Under the clamp is a bead and an o-ring right below it to form the seal. The hold down clamp is there to bottom against the bead on the pipe and hold the pipe and o-ring down in the boss. It's designed as a half-clamp on purpose. It looks normal from here. ;)


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
Thanks Rich. After I posted this and took another look I realizes I was over reacting. The Rad may have moved but this piece would not have been affected due to the rubber hose between :whoa:

The rad moved back enough that it pinched the hose almost shut and dented the rad around the outlet pipe a bit. I'll just try to straighten out the mounts enough to unkink the hose and maybe riding (weather permitting) next weekend can be saved :nod: :ride:

Thanks again

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Dave - The Fluidyne radiators are MUCH tougher in a crash and cost about the same as the OEM stuff. Ask Eddie Smulders about how well the Fluidynes hold up in crash. He has field tested the hell out of his. ;)
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