Andrew Oldar
by: Andrew Oldar
Enduro motorcycles have one of the widest engine size ranges of any type of dirt bike. Like others such as motocross and cross-country, 125cc two-strokes are the smallest when it comes to full-size machines. At the other end of the spectrum are big-bore four-stroke enduros with engines up to 511cc in displacement. Back toward the smaller end of bore and stroke measurements, just above 125cc premix-burners are 144cc and 190–200cc two-strokes. In this article, we’re going to cover the latter—all of which are carbureted.Related: Convince Your Parents To Let You Ride a Dirt Bike2024 Beta 200 ...
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Enduro motorcycles have one of the widest engine size ranges of any type of dirt bike. Like others such as motocross and cross-country, 125cc two-strokes are the smallest when it comes to full-size machines. At the other end of the spectrum are big-bore four-stroke enduros with engines up to 511cc in displacement. Back toward the smaller end of bore and stroke measurements, just above 125cc premix-burners are 144cc and 190–200cc two-strokes. In this article, we’re going to cover the latter—all of which are carbureted.Related: Convince Your Parents To Let You Ride a Dirt Bike2024 Beta 200 ...
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Motocross, Dirt Bike, Enduro, Supercross, Racing
Dirt Rider Magazine covers the latest in dirt bikes and off-road motorcycle racing, including Motocross, Enduro, Supercross, MotoTrials, and more.