250 IT throttle cable breaking


Sep 20, 2001
Last year I had a fall which broke the plastic throttle, I found a replacment but didn't like the way the cable feed in (from the bottom). This year I ordered an aftermarket throttle assembley that feeds into the side (90 degree pull) inside there is a wheel to guide the cable and I have cheched it for free movement and to see if the cable is binding/dragging on anything but all seems good. I have frayed 2 cables righ at the turn point this year and am wondering if someone else has had this happen?


Jun 28, 2002
Hmm everyone recommmends i lube my clutch cable and throttle cable......what kind of lube? just WD-40 or what?

Durt Cycler

Trial Subscriber
Nov 13, 2001
WD-40 will work but it will eventually wear off in matter of hours. I use nothing but Maxima Chain & Cable Wax on my cables. It also works for lubing the chain so it is even more convient. It is very thick waxy type stuff that will last alonnnng time. I suggest you buy the small can and try it out on your cables and chain and see if you like it.
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