I've run into a strange problem with an 83 xr200. The bike was running just fine, clutch working normally. My gal stopped the bike in gear, holding the clutch in and idling. Less than half a minute later she lets out the clutch and nothing. The engine just revs, acts just like it's in neutral. Closer look shows that when the bike is in gear and the clutch is released, the chain jumps a little as you rev the engine.
My first thought was the clutch wasn't disengaging. I checked the cable slack and everything is ok there. Next step was to remove the clutch. Once I got the side case off I discover a special tool is needed. But in the meantime I removed the 4 screws holding the clutch plates in to take the pressure off the clutch plates.
With the bike on the stand and in gear, should the clutch basket turn when the rear wheel is turned? The clutch is fully released (I took the small plate and clutch springs out).
If it's not the clutch, my only guess now is something in the transmission isn't fully engaged anymore.
Has anyone run into this type or problem before?