84 kx 125 trouble


Oct 4, 2003
ok here is my story
Bought a good starting,good running 84 kx 125.
the bike would crackle/breakup in power band,it actually didnt really have a power band at all.i took the stator cover off to find that someone had turned the stator plate all the way to the right,even going as far as notching out the slots to get more of a turn out of the plate.
anyways,i wanted a project so i rebuilt the engine piston,rings,connecting rod,bearings and seals and bought a used 84 kx 125 stator and had it rebuilt.now i have the bike all together and i have fantastic spark but the bike will not fire at all.I get a small back fire when i tried a small blast of ether in the air breather.The stator is positioned to where it should be and not turned all way as before( i tried that and no go)
so what i am thinking is that maybe it is a different cdi on the bike and the stator needed to be turned all the way for the timing to be correct,im not an expert on 2 stroke electrics so this is just a theory and i dont want to fork out the big bucks for a new cdi if the one i have is a good one.
any ideas anyone?


Apr 17, 2004
This might help

I have a 1994 Cr125 and this happened to me once.. when it didnt fire and then back fired a few times... Does it foul the plugs?


Oct 4, 2003
i fixed the problem and i feel a little silly...the stator was in wrong :ugg:
tye bike runs perfect now,starts on the first or second kick every time.
thanks for your help :thumb:


Apr 29, 2003
i was going to suggest it was in wrong... i had a bike back in high school that i bought for nearly nothing (seriously) because the guy couldn't get it to start. he had the motor rebuilt and just couldn't get it going... i bought it thinking that if i couldn't fix it, i could at least sell it to someone who could and i wouldn't lose too much $$

I went to school the next day, and my brother appearantly took a long lunch from his job and got it running. Kicked ass too!
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