99 KX250 clutch stickage, already searched


Nov 2, 2009
hey guys i am new to the form. i have a 1998 KX250. when i got it, the clutch stuck really bad, so i took apart the clutch to see what was going on. the basket had notches. so i took the basket out and filed them away. now it looks brand new. did not replace steel or friction plates. now i know i will need to replace them soon, but they arent slipping, so i figure why should i? the inner basket had barely noticeable notches, and i did my best to file those down too. so after putting the bike back together, the clutch engages REAL smooth now, but the clutch still sticks barely enough to kill the engine when coming to a slow stop. if i come to a fast stop, it will disengage, i assume from the inertia. i examined the "throwout rod" and it didnt look bent to me. as many people, i am looking for the cheapest fix, so where can i go now? what should i try? my thoughts are i may need to replace any or all of the following:
steelies/ pressure plates
hub clutch
outer basket
throwout rod
clutch cable

edit: forgot to say, after putting it all back together, i pulled the clutch lever in and let it go a few times, and i noticed that the "clutch operating plate" disengages toward of the rear of the bike, then the front part disengages, and it does this every time. idk if that helps you help me, but thanks anyway