
Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
i stole this from another board. it will be interesting to see how you can twist this one into something negative.

"Last night I had the extreme pleasure in taking in Round 2 of the 2002
Supercross season.
My 11 year old son and I have made the San Diego supercross event our
annual father/son outing and last night we were very excited to attend. We
arrived at the Stadium early and was able to walk through the pit area, the
look of amazement on my son's face was all that I needed to see. His eyes
didn't miss any movement by the team riders, mechanics or support personnel,
I tried to best answer his questions, but they kept coming one after the
other. We entered the stadium, bought our program, T-shirts, food and drinks
and found our seats.
The race was outstanding in every fashion, the track looked great, we were
ready for the action. After the 250cc main, we stayed for the winners
comments then headed back to the car for the trip home, my son asked me if
we could go by the pits again to see if we could get Ricky Carmichaels (RC)
autograph because the Honda camp was inundated by fans before the race, I
wasn't to sure about this seeing how RC finished 4th in the race and was
probably tired from a long weekend of supercross and crowds. As we
approached the Team Honda encampment, RC emerged from one of the trailers
and was immediately surrounded by a crowd of kids seeking autographs, my son
included. RC was gracious and obliged many of them while making way to the
other trailer for a team meeting, my son was following him and called out
his name, RC turned around and told him that he would be right out and to
stay there ... this was all my son needed to hear from his idol. I on the
other hand was thinking of how I would explain to my son why a big name
racer would stiff him on a autograph. As we stood outside the trailer in the
cold, RC's mechanic Chad Watts noticed us standing there all alone in the
cold night air, he went into the trailer and came out holding a pair of
Oakley Racing goggles and handed them to my son, the look on my son's face
was priceless and something I will never forget. RC emerged from the meeting
a little while later and true to his word searched out my son in the small
crowd and signed his poster, they talked for a minute and RC went on to sign
more autographs for the crowd. As my son came out of the crowd he was
glowing, not only did he have RC's autograph, but he was wearing a set of
racing goggles complete with tear off's. I could not have planned a better
ending to an outstanding evening with my son and I wanted to thank Ricky
Carmichael, Chad Watts and all of you at Clear Channel for the outstanding entertainment you have provided. Keep up the great work, we'll see you again
next year!
Very Respectfully,
Ron and Ronnie M.
San Diego, California"
Last edited:

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001
You know, today as I watched and waited for the "dirty move" that was supposed to have taken place, I thought I would like to let RC know that some(probably most?) of us racin' fans actually appreciate his efforts.

It is so completely wrong the negative spin this guy (RC) is getting. I'm embarrased for our sport by these mis-behaved jackasses:mad:


Jul 12, 2000
And yet people say RC is a cocky, arrogant jerk. I'm sorry but RC is the man right now and some people just need to deal with it. I've been a fan of his for a long time and RC always seems to be a class act and has brought the sport back to the hard training days of old and will carry it to new heights. To the RC haters out there, our sport can do just fine without you.


Aug 4, 2000
I've noticed that RC has sounded much better in the last few interviews I've heard from him. When he got booed at the US Open, he muttered "scoreboard" into the microphone. That probably didn't help people's impression of him. It seems that the booing has changed him, and maybe made him realize that he did come across as "cocky" during interviews. Doesn't matter if he is cocky, perception is reality. In another thread on Indy, someone made the comment that the booing last night may have been more a sign of the pro-Travis sentiment than an anti-RC mood. I hope that is the case. I think RC handled himself like a pro last night and was very gracious on the podium. Anyway, I think RC's popularity will only improve from here on out.


May 11, 2000


May 11, 2000
crybabykido if you was from around here
i would stick a foot in your 16 year old rear
you must one of those kids that always loose
and run home to your momma's TITY



Nov 21, 2001
No Clue

Most of these people who are bashing RC or any of these guys don't have a clue what they are talking about. RC is one of the most incredible racers ever to come along. He does a fantastic job representing the sport and sets an incredible example for all of the young people who follow him. He is one of the best atheletes in the world with an olympic level training regimen. He is still a very young man and yes he makes a lot of money but he has a lot of pressure and responsibility to go with it. Hopefully he understands that since he is at the top and appears to be dominant that many of us tend to root for the underdog or the guy with the bubbling personality and crazy talent (TP). Some people booed because he went to Honda. This was really directed at Honda and not Ricky, and I hope he understands that. I hope that Ricky reminds himself to have fun and not let all these goofballs that slam him ruin what should be the time of his life.


Jan 31, 2000
In my opinion, RC is the best thing to happen to the sport in a long time. I honestly don't see why some people feel they have to hate the guy just because he's good. People are constantly calling him a whiner and saying he's arrogant and cocky(most of them MC fans). Boy, what are you smoking? I've never heard excuses from him, it's always more to the effect of "I'll just have to try harder next time", or "so and so was just really fast today". He truly does'nt deserve all the booing from small minded people that are just trying to find a reason to hate the guy that is always beating their favorite.


***** freak.
May 5, 2000
About five years ago I was at the Kawasaki Race of Champions and the buzz was that RC was a bratty kid. I sought him out and and talked to him and found no evidence that he was a brat. He was cordial and respectful and even seemed humble. He is intnsely focused and sometimes may come off as arrogant, but I think it is just an illusion. IMO, the hatred expresed towards RC is totally unjustified.


Sponsoring Member
Jan 24, 2002
I have defended RC on a couple of other threads, and I think he is doing a good job defending himself even though he has done nothing wrong. He may not have the personality of TP (who does) but he is maturing into a real champion. If you hate talent, drive, and confidence, then hate RC, I think I just became a fan.:think


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
I'm an RC fan - not a DIE HARD RC fan... but I definately cheer for him. I have mixed emotions on him as a person but he's one hell of a rider! I would be cocky too if I had such a great racing career as him. Anyways...

AFTER THE INDY 250 MAIN... I caught up with RC in the pits. Yes - after he was booed to death for bumping Pastrana. I asked him for a photo and Red got one of RC and me. RC has the biggest smile like he just won the 250 SX title. I think he's really a good guy - just comes off on the wrong foot with some. I couldn't imagine getting booed by 50,000+ fans.

Here's a question for ya - how many people have had positive experiences with Larocco? Just wondering. (I've seen him ignore so many kids at Red Bud and other Nationals and SX'es that it kinda makes me sick - but he's still a big fan favorite...)


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Originally posted by nikki
. . . how many people have had positive experiences with Larocco? Just wondering. (I've seen him ignore so many kids at Red Bud and other Nationals and SX'es that it kinda makes me sick - but he's still a big fan favorite...)
I think LaRocco's problem is that he's painfully shy. I think since he's gotten married, not had his old man wrenching, and started on his own team, he's gotten better (at least that's what I've seen at the SX's I've attended).

And Nikki, if you asked to have your picture taken with me, I'd be grinning ear to ear like I'd just won the 250 SX title! I think you just have that affect on us goofy guys! :)


Feb 9, 2000
Kids have the best perspective.

Last year when MC was champ I took my 6 year old son to the indy supercross. He liked the color green (thus Kawasaki), so I had bought him the MXS action figure of RC. He was so chuffed when RC won, he was proudly showing of his #4 Kawasaki. A fan was born, you can guess he was pretty pleased to say the least when RC won both the SX and the nationals. He also has the first 4 fox terrafirma videos, so he was introduced to RC the young boy.

Anyway this season gets under way, DV is doing great, so I go out and buy the DV action figure, and tell my boy, that this will be the 2002 champion.

He looks at me, and says "Yeah Dad, but Ricky Carmichaels is still my favorite" :)


Jan 6, 2001
Originally posted by BunduBasher
Anyway this season gets under way, DV is doing great, so I go out and buy the DV action figure, and tell my boy, that this will be the 2002 champion.

If you do you better hope like heck he doesn't want to talk like him.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
RC & LaRocco stories?:think OK.
Ricky's first year we went to Kawasaki of Carrolton's open house. My son was 5 years old and was just having the time of his life with Bevo running the show and all the games it was quite exciting. Well finally the limo arrives and in come the Kawasaki & PC riders. Since this was all new I can understand RC being reserved and out of his element. When asked for a picture with my son he obliged and we thanked him. Nothing more, no talking to the little kid no muss up the little kids hair, no see ya', nada. At the same event Bevo wanted to give a prize to the youngest fan which happened to be my son, well somebody came running in from the parking lot with a newborn and snagged the tee shirt. My son really didn't care but Jeff Emig obviously was not happy with the situation and left the autograph table, came over and picked my son up and carried him around on his shoulders for a good 20 minutes then gave him a shirt and a Shift calendar. All the while he was getting him in front of anybody that held up a camera with the both of them doing thumbs up. Well needless to say he made a big impression on several people that evening. Is this something RC would do today? I doubt it. Marketing which is all sponsorship really is about all goes back to public perception NOT what a few self proclaimed experts say.

LaRocco.... Mr. Shyness for sure. Went to Plano Honda's open house a couple years ago with Thump & TwinSpar and our families. Mike was the one guy I wanted to get an autograph from. I walked right up and asked him to autograph a poster and he was VERY quiet but did seem appriciative of the fan support. Then we asked Mike, Ezra Lusk, and Sabastian Tortelli if we could get a picture with them and TwinSpar, Thump and myself. They all stood up and we had our moment of glory after which I turned around, stuck out my hand and said "Thank you Mike!". I was almost afraid for an instant that I had scared the guy because he looked so shocked then he smiled big (for him) and said "Hey, no problem, thanks for coming." shook my hand and then the riders all left.

Now for a strange twist.
Ezra on a Honda was not on my must meet list. He seemed to change when he went to the red team. He seemed very uninterested in the fans and never took his race face off. This was confirmed at the Plano open house. Now that he has switched teams there seems to be a different side of him showing and I will be seeking him out this year to confirm this. It is EXACTLY what happened with Kevin Windham, when he got on the Suzuki he loosened up and was more animated and interactive with the fans. Heck he's even got that funny little facial hair thing going this year.

Personally I think that RC's personality and the way Honda runs it race team make for a terrible face to face marketing program. Sure slap a "MX/SX Champion" title on a print or TV ad with all these guys on a Honda and you might sell some bikes based upon cool pictures and wording. Then again Mike LaRocco is a boisterous clown, Tortelli speaks with a southern drawl, and Ricky is Mr. Personality.... in those ads and our minds. Reality isn't always so warm and fuzzy though.

So who's the most popular rider at our house? The rider that's ALWAYS been friendly and more than willing to start early and stay late signing autographs. The rider that will stop a line 300 yards long to spend 3 minutes talking to a little kid that can't hardly open his mouth because he's met his hero. The guy that may not be happy he's not on the top of the podium but STILL maintains his composure and smile. Jeremy McGrath.


Feb 9, 2000
PS is red his favorite color now?

Heck no, the boy even gets me to buy green ketchup these days. His next bike will be a KLX110, so he is green to the core.

The color bike doesn't matter to him when it comes to RC, that's his hero :cool:


Mar 12, 2001
My son and I were at the Indy SX. We were sitting right at the now imfamous turn. When the booing started, my son immediately started cheering for RC. My son is 8 yrs old. He told me he had to try and stop everyone from booing. He said he felt really bad for Ricky. He couldn't understand why everyone did that.

I have to agree with my son. Ricky did not deserve that.

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