A Terrible Accident; One TOUGH little girl.

Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
It's an unfortunate thing, but I thought about how tough this little 5 yr old was to have endured 9 days of being stranded, AND losing her mother right before her eyes. My hat goes off...

LOS ANGELES - A 5-year-old girl found in a ravine survived on dry noodles and Gatorade while remaining near her dead mother following a car crash more than a week ago, relatives and authorities said.

The girl, apparently uninjured, was identified as Ruby Bustamante, the daughter of Norma Bustamante, 26, of Indio, said Jane Evans, nursing supervisor at Riverside Regional Medical Center. They were reported missing April 4.

California Department of Transportation workers repairing a road barrier Tuesday morning found the girl, her mother's body and a wrecked Ford Taurus 150 feet down a ravine off the 60 Freeway between Moreno Valley and the Banning Pass, said Chris Blondon, spokesman for the California Highway Patrol.

The car had crashed about 10 days ago, and the girl was hungry and thirsty but unhurt, Blondon said in a statement.

Relatives gathered at the hospital late Tuesday where Evans said Ruby was in stable condition.

Bill Cooney, the girl's great-grandfather, told local TV networks that Ruby told him she survived on ramen noodles and Gatorade. Ruby also said her mother was alive for "a couple days" after the crash, he said.

Cooney criticized the CHP and other authorities for not searching for Bustamante and her daughter when they were first reported missing April 4.

The woman's body was badly decomposed, and the coroner's office did not expect to identify it for several days, said Riverside County Deputy Coroner Rebecca Mendoza.

Banning is about 90 miles east of downtown Los Angeles.

Pvt Joker

Apr 29, 2002
These stories of survival just blow me away.

There was a very similar story a couple months ago in, I believe, Arkansas. It was a three year old. Eerily similar, driving with her mother and the mother died.

There's not too much in this world that can take my breath away, but I'm speechless when considering what these little girls went through.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
I read about it on teletext tonite - they said she was 6. Didn't say anything about her mom being alive for a couple of days (that makes it worse).
Poor little tyke.


Aug 30, 2003
This is a very sad story for a child to have to loose her mother right before her eyes. thats the last thing any of us want to think of. but even more so is the fact that if someone rescued them earlier well in this case way earlier, someones life might have been saved. Take this same situation and remove the highly travelled roads and put in a very little travelled trail.... that will guarantee that you never go riding alone.
too have to wait until the guard rail was to be repaired is rediculous. :| CHiPs suck as well as many others. would rather write a ticket and draw revenue than to save a life :ohmy: .
It just chaps my ass to know that so many people take life for granted even if its their own. :|
the good news is that the child is okay. the bad news is some of the thoughts that this child is going to have the rest of her life wondering why no one saved her mother. :whiner:
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Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
John, you might be jumping the gun a bit there. If you consider how many missing people reports they get every day, the fact that the car was WAY down a ravine and the fact that they most likely had no idea where to look you may reconsider bashing the police.

Tough cookie alright, I hope she has a strong family situation left at home.


Jan 17, 2001
My boy is 5 yrs old and I just simply couldn't imagine....


Resident nudist
Apr 17, 2002
RAHRAH said:
CHiPs suck as well as many others. would rather write a ticket and draw revenue than to save a life

WTH? Where did you get this information? I don't know of a single police officer (or anyone for that matter) that would rather write a $30 ticket than save a person's life. That's a pretty nasty thing to say about people who risk their lives every day (a thankless gig mind you) so that people like you can complain about them not seeing a car buried down in a ditch. The California Highway Patrol is not at fault, the construction crew that found the car is not at fault, the crew that put in the road and the guardrail is not at fault... bad things happen. It is unfortunate that those 8 children lost their mother (yes she had 8 kids), but no one is responsible for this accident. It's pretty easy to point fingers from behind a keyboard. :|


Apr 13, 2000
The local news did a drive by where the car went off the road and showed it on the news. There was a small gap between the guard rail and a hill that the car slipped through. You couldnt really see any damage to the rail. There is no way the CHP or anybody else is responsible for this. If anything the lady who called should have stopped.

Rahrah....you are a fool :moon:

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