About to buy first KDX200


May 13, 2004
Hey all, I've been lurking here for the last 8 months while I saved my pennies to buy a new (used) KDX. I've save my money and I'm ready to buy. I came across a 1999 KDX200 that the seller is willing to let go for $1300. The owner has only had the bike for about a year after getting it from a neighbor. He doesn't know all the details about the service of the bike, but says it runs great and starts easy. According to the seller, the only thing it needs is a new graphics kit and a seat cover.

My original budget was $1500 to $2000 which I figured would get me a good early 90's model, but I would ultimately want a 1995 and up. I have no way to see this bike and then think about it because it's about 6 hours away. With the cost of gas, I'm pretty much going to have to go with the intent of buying it. Being that it's a 1999 at that price, is it worth it to take the chance that it may need som work and be prepared to put a couple hundy into it, or should I just pass it up? Any thoughts?

Thanks for any advice.


Apr 9, 2005
yeah i agree, go for the buy. wow i got a 1997 KDX 200 for 1500 and i had to talk the guy donw, and not only that but that was 2 years ago! So I say go for it, just make sure you check the bike out really good, 1300 for a 1999 is a little scetchy but.... i guess it happens, just make sure you look over the bike real well for any signs of damage of problems.

GOOD LUCK and have fun later dude


May 13, 2004
But it's soooo far away...

I hate the feeling of driving for 5 or 6 hours and then feeling like I made the drive therefore I have to buy the bike.... especially w/ gas prices the way they are. The guy has provided limited detail on the bike, even after numerous questions which makes me leary. I just don't know.

On the other hand, I have a friend, who I trust, who's longtime girlfriend is thinking of selling her 1990 KDX. The bike is all stock except for an FMF Torque pipe on it. There are only 700 total miles on the bike. My buddy says he takes it out of the garage and fires it up every couple of weeks as he does with the rest of their "fleet" (they have something like 8 bikes between them). He said it even has the original tires. The price for that is going to be about $1300 to $1500.. to be finalized.

I'm torn... buy a questionable bike, hours away; or buy a bike w/ a trusted seller in superior shape that's older but most likely cleaner. Any thoughts?

Unless of course, someone on here has a similar bike to meet my needs in the SoCal area! :cool:


Aug 10, 2004

It's a tough call, but if the bike is in decent condition, its a great deal, even given the distance to travel, I would go just to look and make the final decision...

If the guy is giving you limited info to your questions that might even go both ways... Maybe he's not hiding anything and is simply tired of getting what he might feel is "interrogated" when he feels like he's giving the bike away for a steal... Who Know's?

Do you have anyone in the area of where the bike is being sold that you'd like to visit? Are there any attractions down that way? Why not plan a family trip or a road trip with the wife/girfriend and kill two birds with one stone? Then if you decide that the bike was misrepresented, you won't feel like it was a completely wasted trip.

If you want the guy to cough up much more info on the bike, tell him you've got the cash in hand and just a few more questions and answers will seal the deal... Then ask your questions and if he STILL won't give ANY useful info, I would walk away...

Sure you might be shooting yourself in the foot if you walk away from a screaming deal, but you walk away with a fat wallet :) and the opportunity to look more; The alternative is no money and a crappy bike that only gives you grief...

Good Luck!



May 13, 2004
Made a purchase

I didn't buy the NorCal KDX200 because there were too many unanswered questions and I wasn't comfortable going that far for a question mark.

I did find a great deal on a 1991 KDX250. I know that most folks will say there is no such thing since the 250 is such a pig. But, prior to my purchase I read about 200 posts on this forum and others about the bike so I was well informed as to what I was getting into. The price was right and left money in my budget to make the necessary upgrades to make the bike perform. The bike is in great shape and I only have a short list of things that need to be changed / upgraded.

I appreciate all the help this site has offered! I can't wait to get out and really ride the thing and see what a pig it really is!!! :ride:


Jul 27, 2004
I have a 91 KDX 250. It has a lot of power, and is a great cow-trailer. As long as you stay off the MX tracks with it, you will be ok. It is heavy and has a mushy suspension, but I'm not racing it, just following my son and his friends on their rides on the local farms. My 250 is the designated tool bike/recovery bike. It will run with anything at WOT across the fields. Just watch out for those damn groundhog holes.


May 13, 2004
As long as you stay off the MX tracks with it, you will be ok

I have no aspirations of taking it to a motocross track. Just for running through the desert and trails. I'm going to do the mods to lighten it up a bit. It's already got a pipe and silencer, so that weight is gone. I'm going to change the rear fender so I can lose the metal braces. And of course, I'm going to put helium in the tires! :laugh:
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