
Nov 15, 2001
Ok, having only been riding for 4 weeks I have a question. This weekend I was trying to get the hang of riding standing up, as the terrain here is VERY rocky and you just can not get anywhere quickly sitting on the bike. My question is I found is relativly difficult to accelerate smoothly. When I gassed it the momentum of my body would be pulled back and I found myself pulling the throttle even more, and getting myself into situations were I could get off the gas as I was accelerating too hard.
What do you guys/girls do to combat this. Have I just got my weigt wrong - do I need to lean over the bike much more when standing? Am I holding the throttle wrong?

Any ideas much appeciated.


2005 Lori Nyland Award Winner
Nov 12, 1999

few things to think about when accelerating while standing, Bend your knees, squeeze the tank with your legs. This will keep you in the position on the bike you wish to be while still being able to control the steering of the motorcycle. This should also keep you from having your grip or hand location from changing while acelerating.


Tom Dixon

Farmer Tom = Face Planter
Mi. Trail Riders
Nov 15, 2001
You could try to over grip the throttle before unleashing the furry. That always seemed to give me a little more control over the bike.


Nov 8, 2001
Anticipate...... When you are going to acclerate lean into it. Same thing when braking, lean backing it counter acts the forces....


Mar 22, 2001
grip your bike with your knees (as wardy stated), and when you need to change your body position, or shift your weight, pivot at your knees, and waist allowing your lower legs to keep a hold on the bike at all times... I used to have trouble with this, but squeezing the bike with your knees, and lower legs cures it. good luck and welcome to the wonderful world of moto!:cool:


Mar 7, 2001
I agree with the bend your knees idea. When I get tired and stand all the way up, it isn't much better than just sitting down. Matter of fact to stay relaxed I stay sitting, as far forward as I can, with the balls of my feet on the pegs ready to stand. Basically just enough pressure down so that if I hit any bumps or rough spots I end up standing without really thinking about it. Of course I have a pretty tall bike and sitting isn't that far from standing to start with.

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Try putting your bike on a stand and practice. You want to grip the engine cases with your boots and the tank / shrowd / seat etc with your knees. Hold the grips of your bars like you are reaching to open or turn a door knob, this will help you keep your elbows up. Keep your knees slightly bent and your back arched (bad posture is good) this will help in preventing back injury.

I think what this is referred to is static body positions. To give you an idea, have a friend help with this one. With your bike on the stand and you standing on the pegs have your friend somewhat violently shake your front wheel to the point where you think you are about to loose your balance. Then grip the bike with your knees and ankles and have your friend do the same, you'll be amazed at the difference it makes. Remember not to fight the bike, just grip it with your body and let the bike do all the work while you stay somewhat loose and relaxed on it.

Good luck and let me know how it goes.
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