
Oct 31, 2001
OK its time for the Adelanto GP again. If you guys liked the Elsinore GP you should really like the Adelanto GP. Pre-sign ups end in the beginning of February. They have a big turn out for this event for both racing and spectating so plan on showing up early. Heres the website for more info:

You guys shouldnt be disappointed its always a fun race to ride or spectate year after year.



Tony 'da Rat
Oct 16, 2000
I will never ride this event unless the Vipers get in good standing with D-37. This is an outlaw event and then they have the nerver to offer D-37 riders a discount if they ride it.


Oct 31, 2001
Thumbs your right it is not a District event anymore. It's a long drawn out story about what happened many years ago between the Vipers and D37. However a ton of D37 guys ride this event despite not being sanctioned. Without a doubt it was a ton more fun when it was sanctioned but at this point when enviro nuts are trying to shut things down to all riders having any event at this point is a definate plus.
Im really hoping to see this make the Big 6 next year because I believe its the largest GP in the nation. That in itself should say something to those thinking about checking it out. Most of the Pros race it like Tye, Destry, Campbel and and a host of others including Lanza who started out and who I believe still races D37. A lot of you guys raced Elsinore which wasnt a D37 sanctioned event so whats the difference? A fun time racing is what it is all about. If nothing else, come spectate you will be suprised about how huge this race becomes and the fun involved. You do that and I bet you will be racing Adelanto and the District GP series with me next year. :yeehaw:


Jun 6, 2004
thumbs said:
I will never ride this event unless the Vipers get in good standing with D-37. This is an outlaw event and then they have the nerver to offer D-37 riders a discount if they ride it.

BOYCOTT it and go to checkers


Apr 1, 2001
I'll be there spectating again with Jr. The Vipers raise a lot of money to fight the eco-nazis---I think this is why a lot of pros show up, and the course is awesome. I don't know who they pissed off at D37, but they've (D37) made a point of purposely scheduling a District event every year on the same weekend. I think what happened was that the Vipers wanted to keep this event affordable for families, so they decided to pull this race out of the district schedule. (Don't quote me on this, but this is what I heard a couple of years ago.) I don't see what's wrong with making an event family friendly, and I don't see a problem with some promoters choosing to dis AMA for this purpose. I'm really not convinced yet that AMA really does a whole lot for the off-road crowd anyways! Anyone care care to convince me otherwise? :eek:


Tony 'da Rat
Oct 16, 2000
but they've (D37) made a point of purposely scheduling a District event every year on the same weekend.

Not true. It actually just the opposite. Thats the exact reason why they are not in good standings with the district. Checkers are the #1 club in D-37 and therefore get first pick, per D-37 rule, as to when they want to hold there event.


Apr 1, 2001
The AGP had always been the 1st weekend of February. I guess that when they pulled out of D37 that meant that weekend was fair game. I don't know or understand all of the politics of how D37 operates as I am no longer a member, but I do think it's just that; politics. I can understand that District members feel a loyalty. D37 has done a great job of keeping Desert racing alive and well. However, this is our home GP, a tradition of many years. This is such an enormous, well run event, drawing racers from all over the country, that many of us refuse to let a tiff between the host club and the district spoil our fun. If you choose not to support it on principle, no hard feelings. I don't take this stuff personal.


Mar 9, 2004
What started this whole mess was when the district decided to enforce the rule that you had to buy a district card to compete in a district event (not sure if this is a district rule, or an AMA in general rule). That used to be optional, and you only had to buy one if you wanted to accumulate year end points. The Vipers griped that for 2/3's of their entries, this was the only D37 race they would ride that year. When you spread the cost of a district card across a bunch of races, it's no big deal. But $20 extra ($30 if you do it out there) adds up if you're signing up your whole family for this race only. At that point, it got ugly. It seems (an outsiders opinion, so take it for what it's worth) that there seem to be some egos/personalities on BOTH sides of the table. It sounded like this year they were working on some kind of agreement, when the relationship deteriorated again. I think at this point the district has voted a huge fine for the Vipers, which is effectively saying they aren't welcome back.
It does irk me that they can't work this out, though. I can understand both sides points here, but I don't think infighting like this helps out the offroad cause at all. :( :(


Jan 28, 2005
Adelanto Gp.

thumbs said:
I will never ride this event unless the Vipers get in good standing with D-37. This is an outlaw event and then they have the nerver to offer D-37 riders a discount if they ride it.
I run sign up for the Adelanto GP and every year I have always given a discount to any rider that shows his or hers current D37 card. This year if you have a current D37 card the first race will cost you $25.00 and the second one will cost you $10.00


Jan 28, 2005
thumbs said:
Not true. It actually just the opposite. Thats the exact reason why they are not in good standings with the district. Checkers are the #1 club in D-37 and therefore get first pick, per D-37 rule, as to when they want to hold there event.
Sorry but you are wrong. I have been associated with the Adelanto GP for the last 25 years. We always try to make it family affordable. For this year the Checkers picked the 3rd weekend in Feb. at date board last year and when one of the D37 officers talked to the Checkers that night the Checkers switched it to the same weekend as the Vipers.
The Checkers are the #1 club and they deserve whatever weekend they want and the Vipers wish them success.
For D37 riders who ride Adelanto, just show your current D37 card and the first race is $25.00 and the second one is $10.00.

Big Al

Boodac said:
OK its time for the Adelanto GP again. If you guys liked the Elsinore GP you should really like the Adelanto GP. Pre-sign ups end in the beginning of February. They have a big turn out for this event for both racing and spectating so plan on showing up early. Heres the website for more info:
You guys shouldnt be disappointed its always a fun race to ride or spectate year after year.


Too bad it's the same weekend as the Checkers race. I would prefer to support a District 37 club than this Jerkoff Desert Viper club. They were in the District and quit a couple of months ago because they didn't want to go by the rules. What a bunch of Primadona's


Oct 31, 2001
I agree with Maxviper, it seems like the Checkers always reschedule their races for the same weekend as the Vipers. Heck a few years ago the Vipers rescheduled the AGP to not conflict with the District races and they still rescheduled a district race that weekend even after the Vipers gave District there scheduled date. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t belong to the Vipers and I'm a member of District so I don’t have a bias except to say that the AGP is a fun event that is ran well.
It's in everyone best interest to work together on the issues rather than become divided. The eco Nazis would love nothing more than for us to become more divided.

The way I see it, a race is a race and is all good for the offroading community. Both Adelanto and District bring a lot of notoriety to our sport and that what we need right now.

I sure wish that the Vipers and District would work out their differences because it was an even better race with District involved.


Oct 31, 2001
Hey Big Al, I seem to recall seeing you and the family racing at the Adelanto race the last couple of years (even last year). You know as well as I do its a fun race.

Besides a lot of you (and that includes you too Al) dont strictly race District so whats the difference. I remeber seeing a lot of you out at Elsinore, Best of the Desert, REM, SoCal and a few others I havent mentioned that arent Distrct sanctioned. So whats the difference, it's another race!

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