Adequate jet variety?


Nov 10, 2002
My "new to me" KDX has a 160 jet in it now, and it's running *way* rich. Rivers of black goo out the pipe, dripping on the swingarm, etc. I'm going to rejet it, but I'd like to pick up an "all you'll need" variety of jets while I'm at it...I'd rather have all the jets I need on hand vs being SOL some Sunday morning.
As I said, it's got a 160 now, and that's rich. The bike is bone stock. I see that a 155 is recommended, so that's the first jet I'll pick up. What other sizes should I get to cover all my bases? 150, 152.5, 155, 157.5, 162.5, 165? Some/all?
According to my handy-dandy GPS, I'm at an elevation of ~1489 ft. says the temp here is 48 degrees F, 50% humidity w/ 30.07" of barometric pressure. I don't know what fuel/oil was used in the bike, but I'll be using 93 pump gas and Motul 800 oil.'
Any help would be appreciated. I don't know how much 2-sroke jet sizes change w/ weather. :silly:


Oct 14, 1999
You would have a better chance of having a good range of jets if you knew what a starting point was. Yeah..a 155 (I'm assuming a 200?) is probably close, but bikes aren't all the same.

What you list main-wise should cover it pretty good. Probably won't use the 150, probably won't use the 160+ until you get your bike modified and you run @ sealevel in the sand!

A handful-'o-pilots will be needed, too. You likely have a 48 in it now. A 40, 42 and 45 should give you what you need there, too.

The needle is usually dropped one clip (raise the clip on the needle. Clips numbered from the blunt end #1 at the top).

Have fun!


Jan 28, 2002
Just because there is "black goo" flowing from the exhaust, it doesn't mean that the main jet is too rich - although a 160 is probably a bit rich IF the engine is totally stock. It's more likely that the oil is mixed too rich and/or the needle is too high in the slide.

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001


Nov 10, 2002
I exhanged the 160 main for a 155. I also dropped the needle (clip was in the middle position, now 2nd from the top), and replaced the 9 series plug with an 8 series. I also flushed/changed the coolant and tranny fluid. The bike seems to run a lot better, but I've still got some tinkering to do. It's not sputtering and bogging like it was. :thumb:

This is my first ownership experience with a 2-stroke, so I'm learning as I go. I'm completely open to try to learn the wisdom of the 2-stroke gods. :worship:

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