Air Box Lid / re-jet ?


Aug 5, 2002
I have a 97 kdx 220. I have an FMF pipe and silencer and the bike has run great for the past 3 years. I recently removed the airbox lid and was concerned about the bike running lean. Any advice and info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


Feb 21, 2002
Mine actually started to run almost perfect. It is still a little rich, but is a darker tan now. I think you will be alright. Jeff Fredette says no rejetting needed if I'm not mistaken. Of course, you should check to make sure. Never go by what anyone says, every bike runs different.


Sponsoring Member
Mar 9, 2002
What is the elevation difference between Pocatello Idaho and Albany New York? What type of precautions should JimM take into consideration? Should he tinker around with the jets?


Feb 21, 2002
Not sure how high Albany is. We are about 4500 feet where I live. In the mountains it ranges from there to 8000-9000ft. I would tinker, just too get it where you want it. I always run slightly rich because many times I will ride in one extreme to the other. Temp here can drop 30+ degrees while I'm in the mountains. I would suggest drilling instead of taking off the lid because of the sound. Also, you can drill one hole at a time, being careful not to make it too lean. You can also recover these holes if need be. I would just ride the bike, if it feels lean at all in the different ciruits, buy a couple sizes of jets bigger and test each one till one is the winner. The just kdx site helped me a bunch. I'm not an expert at all, I'm still pretty new to the jetting scene. But I see thats it's not as scary as I once thought. Hope I helped. Sure someone with vast knowledge that surpasses mine will be by to lend a hand. Good luck.
P.S. Moose, get a rock and take care of your pipe, then you won't actually be lying to your wife when you tell her it was totalled by a rock on your last ride;)

G. Gearloose

Pigment of ur imagination
Jul 24, 2000
If your jetting is stock, you should be ok. If you rejetted prior, then opened the airbox, you will certainly be lean.
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