Alas, Woodsy is coming out of the summer blahsss


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Hi folks - been a while....
I am headed for the Tin Cup this Saturday with a small group of riders. It sounds like 5 riders at this time, with a good variety of skill levels!
After teaching the "loop" a lesson, I believe there may be a couple of us sticking around for some "cross country" stuff. Possibly do the Lincoln Hills to Boon routine.
Meeting in the parking lot at T.C. around 10:30ish... All welcome!!!!
Man a need a ride BAD!!!
Hope to see you all there! If not, HAVE A GREAT HOLIDAY!
Carpe Diem


Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 29, 2002
Have a good, safe and enjoyable weekend, Woodsy. Personally. I'm layin' low for the holiday with hopes of hitting the trails next weekend. Let us know how it all goes. Gotta love those ride reports.
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