
Dec 31, 1969
How many "1/2 million acres is nothing really" 's does it take before it's something?
Little by little, 500,000 acres at a time...


Sponsoring Member
Apr 18, 2000
Cali really suxs they also outlawed the 50 cal BMG. Do you think that any of the fruitloop politicians out there have ever read The Constitution of the US?????


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
It's too bad some of those environmentalists have never been to some of the desert harescrables/enduro races. I have seen and heard of riders coming across tortoises during a race and they have actually stopped, gotten off their bikes, moved the tortoise to a safe area off the trail and then continued on with the race.

I'm not anti-environmentalist, I believe they are necessary, it's just unfortunate there are extremists among them that don't bother to have all the facts and can't seem to compromise when it comes to their agendas. Perhaps they should sue mother nature for doing damage to endangered species as well. :think:

There is plenty of California desert to share, there is no reason for them to try and slowly but surely block off-roaders out all together.


Mar 24, 2004
People here will hate me for saying this but The Desert Tortoise really is endangered... there is a place that they fence off areas for the tortoise it's a reserve but you can still ride, it's still a huge giant place to ride... Living in the desert it's amazing how large it is really, I've never seen so much open space... From Needles to 29 Palms allong the 95 hwy is the the longest stretch of nothingness you can imagine as far as your eye can see in every direction... The marine corps base at 29 palms is bigger than the state of Rhode Island, and all around that base is more open land even larger than that base... It's mind boggling how much open space their is... Lots and lots of places to ride...
At the OHV areas so many riders and others are not respectful to their land use privlages (key word privalige not right) Just look at Ocotillo wells and all the trash our fellow riders leave... Why anyone would designate more riding areas if all riders do is leave garbage all over the place is beyond me... Don't be suprised when we loose riding places when people just abused them in the past... People just dumping couches and refriderators, and car tires, and whole cars, and shot gun shells, and old shoes, and used motor oil, and scrap metal, and coils of wire, and TV's it's really lame... I know allot of dumping is'nt dirt riders, but allot of it is, and either way we loose... When people who make laws become aware of this they close the riding places... Rideing places get closed sometimes cause people leave piles and piles of trash and garbage year after year... The green and red stickers fees are supposed to go to help put trash cans and bathrooms out at the OHV areas, but if riders don't police themselves we will all loose our privilage to ride... Maybe if riders packed out what ever they packed in things would be different but the fact is riders are there own worst enemy when it comes to land use... It's not so much the bikes do damage but it's people and there garbage, and abuse of these land use privaliges... If people just picked up their crap it would be allot better when envirnmentaslist come to do research and see piles of trash they're going to say to themselves, "well these dirt bikers are having an impact on the envirnment just look at all the trash" and they will get the land closed because they have the cash for litigation and we just want to party... If we don't care about the land why should they care about us? Dirt riders could be stewarts to the land like hunters are but sad fact is they are not... If Dirt riders did something positive like organised clean up efforts on a more regular basis, maybe get some good press instead of more bad press riding areas might not get closed so often...
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Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
Tod said:
Isn't that from respiratory disease, not knobby inflicted flattening?

Yes it is and the over population of Ravens

And when we only have 2% of the desert left to ride in, 500,000 acres at a whack is a big chunk when they take 500,000 a year, year after year.

Not try to bag on ya brother, but you need to check this site and see if you feel the same way.

Lost riding areas


Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
Also, check out this site http://www.kpbs.org/Radio/DynPage.php?id=911 to hear Off Road Business Association CEO Roy Denner debate environmental extremist biologoist Daniel Patterson on Public Radio, Monday morning January 10.

When you get to the link, scroll down to the bold heading "These Days", then click on Mon 10 a.m. to listen to the debate. Be patient, there are a few minutes of introduction before the debate comes on.

(If the link above does not work, then try: www.kpbs.org click on their "listen now" link and then following the above instructions)


Mar 24, 2004
JPIVEY, Okiewan, dklink2000, you are 100% right... I just think riders could have a little more accountibility for when land closers happen... When land gets closed sometimes I think to my self "good they should close that place cause people have messed it up" Allot of land gets closed (like you guys don't know) from noise, and people who abuse the privilage to use the land... I always hear people saying things like (and I'm too blame also) I can get away with out using a spark arrestor, or having a pipe that is illegal, or whatever... Everybody does it too... Also allot of people litterally trash places badley... People dump stuff in the desert and it never goes away it just sits there forever... And I'm sure when these lawmakes send people out to inspect places to see if dirt riders are having an impact on a habitat and they see styrofoam coolers, and beer cans, and spray paint on rocks, and just trash they make their report or whatever in their favor... Their must be something we can do other than writing letters... Though writing letters is a very good thing to do... I've been thinking and we all could do more... We could all start by doing our best to follow all the rules reguarding sound requirnments... And speaking up if your friends are messing around and trashing the riding spots or have illegal pipes or do things that make us all look bad...
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