Jun 1, 2004
I have been wanting to sell my kdx for a while and get an exc 300 but now I've had some sense talked into me.

Thus my question:

Those who have moved on from a kdx- why and how did you know you were ready to handle a larger bike?

Those who stayed with a kdx- Why?

Jan 16, 2005
I'm looking at some bigger bikes too, but not because I've outgrown anything on my KDX. I think most people like these bikes because of what they are, not because of what they're not. I plan on a bigger bike in addition to my 220. It's a great bike plain and simple no matter what level rider you are.

My reason for a bigger bike is simply for a different experience when I ride. Hitting the trails on a big 4-stroke is a different kind of fun, for lack of a better description, but I'll always keep this one for all the obvious reasons that make it a nice bike to own.

It's interesting how many riders of all different makes are naturally biased to whatever they ride. I hear them trash many bikes that in there opinion are junk, have problems with this or that, etc. But I've rarely hear people trash a KDX...?


Dec 10, 2002
I bought a pair of cannondale X440's Mostly because of how trick they are. While I have my KDX up for sale, I will almost positively buy another one if I sell the one I have. I have an '03 KDX220, nothing is wrong with it. But for what It's worth, I can buy a ratted out non running '95 or newer. Completely dissassemble it, and rebuild it with all the goodies. I can bring myself to tear into my perfectly good solid running KDX

The c'dale make awesome power, but I can't help but like the cadilack plushness and lightweight of my KDX
Jun 1, 2004
Heres the thing, and I already know this sounds like a new years resolution.

I am wanting a pike in perfect condition, no goodies. Mainly to be able to practice working on it, and maintenance is step one to being able to work on anything.

I just wonder if I should go ahead and make the change to a bigger bike because if I do take as mutch care as I resolve to then its gonna last me long after I might outgrow it.



Dec 23, 2003
Move on but keep it

You never really outgrow a great running KDX. I went for the big power in a YZ250 with flywheel weight, pro-circuit pipes, boysen carbon reeds, factory conn. susp, etc. Great for woods or MX, however, it doesnt' know slow, and you have to be focused all of the time. Rode my 92' KDX200 last week in the woods, and it was awesome in a different way.. Plush woods ride with great ridable power. If you can keep two, there is always a place for the KDX.

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
vortex - move on and sell it to me...I am looking for one for my son. ;^)

I have a 300 EXC - love the bike! A riding buddy has a KDX and a 300 EXC - he loves both for different reasons! I have ridden his KDX on a number of occasions as well. KDX, tight technical stuff is easier. 300 - not that tight technical is hard or that it doesnt do it well, it just does it differently. No replacement for displacement! Huge grin factor on the 300 AKA a 3 stroke. So what if you are two gears to high, just twist the happy handle!


Aug 10, 2004
I'm with everyone else on this thread in regard to keeping the KDX and getting another bike in addition to it if you can.

I can't really see outgrowing the power in a KDX because you can always do things to it that will make it a nice powerful ride.

Only exception would be something like if you were going to race it and were relegated to the lower end of the displacement range by the rules.

My brother has a YZ250 that is crazy fast and powerful, but after riding my KDX he always comments on how superlight it feels while riding and how easy it is to sling around the trail. To me, that's more than good enough reason to conclude that you can never really "outgrow" it, but rather, just develop a desire to try something different... Not "better", just different... and there is NOTHING wrong with that!!!

addendum... My wife was looking over my shoulder as I was typing, she reminds me that there is ONE time where desiring something new and different is unhealthy (for me anyway) LoL!



Apr 1, 2003
I just sold my 03 KDX 200, and picked up a 05 KTM 250 EXC this week.

I sold the KDX, not because it was holding me back. I'm not amazingly fast. I was just looking for some extra power, just for the "challenge". I'm also a sucker for cool technolgy. The KTM is just that.

I have less than an hour on the KTM as of yet. It's very cold, plus I'm doing short heat cycles for break-in, so I can't tell you alot about it yet. It seems just as friendly down low as the KDX, but with quiet a bit more beans from that point on.

The biggest change is the handling. I don't know how much less the EXC weighs than the KDX, but it carries it's weight MUCH lower, so it feels 50lbs. lighter. Until I get used to it, this is good and bad. You can throw it around, but it's always on edge, not like the green trail couch.

For the time being, I'd guess I'm a lot faster on the KDX. While I'm super exited about the more "hard-core" KTM, if your a medium skilled, non racing trail rider, the KDX is very hard to beat. If you want more, check out KTMtalk.com. They have loads of information.


Mar 23, 2000
I raced the first half of the BJEC(C-Senior) on a KDX220. Got a KTM450 mid-season and finished the year on it.
Not any change in how I finished.
The big differences for me is the KDX is smaller and lighter, with quicker steering. The KTM has gobs of relative horsepower, and is very tractable.
If I had to sell one, I would have to flip a coin. For me, the KDX is more suited to tighter BJEC races, while the KTM would work better on the more 'open' TSCEC races.
I could get 2 KDXs for what I gave for the KTM, if that is a factor.
Jun 1, 2004
Allright heres the one sentence thats gonna make 99% of you have to rethink your answer.

Money is tight.

One bike is all I can afford. I have to make a decision between the 2 bikes.

Thanx for all the replies,

P.S. I am a member at KTMTalk.com (vortex6700) and have read all the info I could find on this subject and many others.

john hubbard

Feb 23, 2003
maybe it is time...

Hey Vortex, I was in the same boat. Had a nicely modded 02 KDX 200, but knew I'd have to sink alot in more into the suspension engine, etc to get what I was looking for. From the age of 13 on I'd never ridden anything under a 250. Started riding again, after a 22 year layoff...the KDX was the most logical, practical choice...It's a really good, stone cold reliable bike which totally helped me get back in the game. However, as I improved and pushed the bike, it's limitations became apparent.

Saw a local ad for a cherry 1998 KTM MXC 300 on ecea.org(500 miles, dicks suspension, pampered, never raced, yadda, yadda..)...held onto the KDX for 6 more months for nostalgia's sake...when I finally got to take leave from the military and really ride this bike, I knew I made the right choice. I'm not a lazy guy, but I really like 4 or 5 speed gear boxes...With the KTM, I didn't have to think about riding...I just rode it -- and it felt more instinctive as opposed to reactive...I wish I could've kept the KDX as a back up...but I just wanted one bike that could do everything...and the mxc filled the bill...just point, shift, and go...There's nothing with moving on, the key is to never forget how you got there...cheers...CPT Hubbard

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