Just look at the way speedvision handles superbike racing, if SX comes off half as good it will be ten time better than CC/ESPN is doing. Also, top dogs from Honda, Kawasaki, and Suzuki all sit on the board of AMA, what series do you think their riders will ride in. Also there has been a down turn in the last few years amount of money teams will pay past their premier rider, and the number of riders a team will sponser. In the old days when it was not popular, each major team had at LEAST 6 top riders, 2 for each class. Now we have less classes, and less top riders per team per class.
I see this change as one for the better. That said, all changes have their period of discontinuity and disruption. 2002 may not be the best season of racing we have seen. But, again, if speedvision does it right, everyone will be back to AMA by 2003.