Another Frozen Experience

Leapin Lisa

Mar 30, 2001
I got the chance to ride Saturday and Sunday this weekend. At least it is warming up so that it isn't miserable to be outside! We had temps up to 43 degrees.

I rode with my husband on Saturday because the three other guys that we knew were so much faster than I am that there was no way I could keep up. They've had more experience on slimy mud than I have. I freak out when I get to a tight corner that is sloppy and muddy and slow down probably more than I really have to. I am amazed at how out of shape and crossed up I can get and stay upright. Just get on the gas and it seems to straighten itself up. One thing about the mud right now is it isn't deep because the ground is frozen yet. I'm sure when it thaws out, we will have DEEP mudholes.

On Sunday I rode with my husband and one other guy. We rode single file what we call follow the leader. The leader tries to find the gnarliest stuff to go through and everyone else follows. My husband seems to be the best at finding the most gnarly, ugly stuff there is jumping over multiple logs and weaving through trees.

The most difficult sections for me were the little grassy uphills that had multiple trees standing at the top of the hill. You have to use momentum to go up the hill and if you don't have enough speed and want a little more gas, you end up spinning and falling over because it is so icy beneath the grass. I invented a few new words a couple of times when I didn't make it. ;) I just didn't want to go too fast and smack into a tree at the top. Bad thinking. I could have at least put on brakes at the top to avoid the tree -- or steer between them.

All in all it was a great weekend. Today my body aches nearly everywhere, which feels great. I'm just so glad to be riding again!


Sep 1, 2000
So what were those words? Glad you are out riding. It is mostly trial and error until you get good. I probably won't ride my enduro bike any before doing the Nebraska ride. At least I won't be riding fast and furious so my body won't hurt. Keep practicing and remember: "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare."
Did you wear your Gloves.


Leapin Lisa

Mar 30, 2001
I sure did wear the new gloves and absolutely LOVED them. No blisters for the first time out, which is unusual as heck for me with my death grip.

I also purchased a new kidney belt. It's a Moose (size medium) and it seems to fit well, except it likes to push my Vixen pants down :scream:
I wear the kidney belt on the inside of my pants, but it must work its way up and over the top when I bend and move and, well, crash! If I wasn't so long waisted . . . but I love my long legs so I'll keep the complaining to a minimum. ;)

We bought the LTR power valve cover and it seems to work very well. I notice I have more bottom end and don't have to use the clutch as much when weaving through the trees.

Thanks for the encouraging words. Dave and Tony gave me the thumbs up when I followed them up an off-camber grassy area. I stopped to eye over the terrain before following them. Dave came back to rescue me, but I did it all by myself. What a feeling! I had to whoop and holler at the top I was so proud I actually did it! Attitude really is a lot of it, just as you have said before, Nicole.



Sep 1, 2000
I have the same problem with bra's. I have nothing to keep them from going up. It is really a problem but one I have to live with. :confused: I wear my kidney belt on the inside of my pants and I only wear it so that my tool bag will not dig into my stomach. Otherwise I would not wear one at all. The tighter you put it on the more it moves up.
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