Another silencer question. Sorry about that.


Feb 24, 2004
I started reading posts about repacking silencers, but wasn't finding what I was looking for. My apologies if I'm beating a dead horse.

It seems like the original packing in my Turbine Core II is pretty dense. Mine is in need of a repack, so I'd like to do it in such a way as to make the Turbine Core II as quiet as it can possibly be. Thinking about how fiberglass insulation works, it seems like packing it a bit looser might make it quieter.

Does anyone have any experience with which material / density combination tends to produce the quietest silencer? Again, I'm referring to the Turbine Core II.




Jun 18, 2001
I haven't experimented with it but it seems like "quiet" would be achieved somewhere in the middle between loose and tight. If you can get your hands on a meter do a scientific experiment for us all please, I would be interested in the answer too.

I don't know what kind of pipe you have but the factory one sure is alot quieter than anything aftermarket. You just have to figure out what's more important...sound or power.

One of these days i just might put my factory pipe on and give it a try. :rotfl:


Aug 12, 2004
Most of the noise on our bike comes from the head pipe not the silencer. The loud pinging is what is so loud to us. The stock head pipe is double walled whic cuts down on this loud pinging noise. Now with all that said, I like it! That is the way a 2-stroke is supposed to sound. I have ridden my 2-stroke with all kinds of other bikes and quads around and it is by far the quietest of all of them. 2 stroke noise is like hearing a bee buzz by compared to hearing one of those piped extreamley loud big bore 4 stroke go by BlAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (shift) BlAAAAAAAAAAAA They are rediculously loud.
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