another V-Force ride report


Dec 27, 2002
I installed my V-Force II last week (tension setting on "lo"), wondering if it would be one of those "placebo effect" mods (that happens when you think it's working a lot better just because you've spent the $$!). Wow! I'm enthused about this product!

When I got the box and saw the plastic (or composite) reed cage, I wondered if it was worth $150. The stock cage seemed hefty in comparison. But if "seeing was not believing", riding with it was! The first flat stretch out, I could tell that my bike was running more smoothly and strongly throughout the power range, and now it just "sings" on top. And then I went to the woods...

Two days before, I had been struggling to get up a 50 yd. trail straight up a hill between the trees, and then a slight veer to the right up-and-over an embankment. It took me 3 tries - and pushing the bike up the last 30 feet - to finally make it. The real problem was that my brother was sitting at the top on his TTR 250 watching, after making it up on his first attempt! :eek:

So after installing the DF II I headed for the dreaded hill - and "motored" up it with no problem. I was really impressed! This mod has done what I've been wanting from this bike - the ability to get half-way up a hill, back off on the throttle to control wheelspin - and have enough torque available to "wick" the throttle and continue to pull vs. stalling out. Yes - a rider with more ability than I could do it "stock" - but somehow between Sunday and Wednesday I became a better rider!

The new reed system has added more on the very bottom (0-1/4 throttle) than the KG-35 w/torque ring did (I'm also running a Steahly FWW).

If you're new to your KDX, you do not need to spend a pile of $$ to enjoy it. You don't need a $150 reed cage to have fun. But if you want to get all you can out of your bike, and have Christmas $$ to spend - try the DF II!

I like it!
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Formally known as RV6Junkie
Damn Yankees
Jan 8, 2000
What were the conditions of your reeds before you installed the VF II?


Dec 27, 2002
They appeared to be in very good condition...but I'm sure that they haven't been changed since the bike was new in '01. I got the bike about a year ago - and it still has the original tires on it, so it has seen relatively low miles...

BTW - many of you guys have a lot more experience with this stuff than I. I can't comment on the difference between Boyesen reeds and the DF II, for instance, as I've never tried the former. I still think that $150 is kinda high for a reed valve system - but it works for me!

Now - if I can get "that much more" out of the (upcoming) RB carb mod...!


Oct 14, 1999
$150 isn't pocket change for most, that is true. But, prior to the DFII, you could spend as much or more (depending on the timeframe) on some other reed 'systems' that didn't accomplish diddle.

Any could gainsay the performance improvement perception you had based on the idea of, 'Your other reeds were just overdue for replacement.' (I'm not dinging on RV6...just stating the obvious fact.)

Personally, I changed from brand spanking new reeds on a radvalve to a DFII that was over one year old...and the performance improvement was exactly of the sort of thing you mention.

The rb mod will be the same sort of 'I can't believe it' addition to your riding enjoyment. Look forward to it! ;)


Formally known as RV6Junkie
Damn Yankees
Jan 8, 2000
Sounds like you had "like new" reeds in the bike. That was the info I was looking for. I have been giving the DF II reeds some thought for my KX125 since that bike has some week low rpm performance. I really don't need them for my KDX.
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