Another what bike should I get thread

Sep 23, 2006
Hey everyone. My names Frank. I live in Ontario Canada. Barrie to be specific.

1) I am 135 lbs. and around 5'7

2) I am fairly aggressive guy. on a scale of 1/10 i'd have to say around a 7. I am stronger than your average 130lb guy. I used to lift weights and did a 1rep max @160lb- free weights with perfect form. (Not trying to brag)

3)I plan to ride a about a 50/50 mix between trails and jumping. No racing. I dont want a dual sport though. I dont need a light or mirrors. I want the look of of an mx bike. i definitely want a bike with very high performance potential. IE- I don't want to spend a million dollars on parts. i want them to be fair and also a lot of choice on Aftermarket parts.

4)I dont have much riding experience. I own an xl175 and xl250 which are both of the road. I rode an old 80's rm80 for a while on and off. Finally when i jumped on the 175, i loved the height, weight, everything. I found out i had a flat and its been sitting in the garage since at home. I am 5hrs from home.

5) No I am not going to race. I want to. but like i said. Im a starving college student who is hoping for a quick and powerful weekend warrior of a bike.

6) I am definitely mechanically inclined. I am a big DSMer. I can honestly tell you more about how to hone a cylinder than how to change an airfilter or oil on a bike. I love reading and learning. Basically I know more about cars than bikes. Should be easy right?

7) I have absolutely no experience in bike brands. Whatever has more Potential quickness and hauls more ass I will take!.lol

8) I have a royal distributing about 10min away with a lot of mx parts.

9) My price range is anywhere between $1500-$2000 CDN...
Yes CDN!

10) I definitely want a bike atleast 1995+....Can i slap on aftermarket parts for lets say a honda 125 2stroke from a 2005 on a 1995???or anything like that?

I dont mind if I get a 2stroke. I want something that has the most potential. Powerful yet quick. But if i can work on 2.0L turbo motors, then a 4stroke shouldn't intimidate me should it??? I'll get a 4stroke if it isn't too hard to repair

Thanks guys


Sep 16, 2006
I think it'd be hard finding a 4 stroke in your price range. I picked up a 1994 CR125 bored out to 133 for $2100 CDN. It's a good bike so far, no problems. You're probably looking at a 1994-1997 2 stroke 125 in your price range, I'd say. Most of the other guys on here with more experience will give you a more in depth opinion.


Jul 17, 2006
1st of all you sound like a bit of a tosser. second u'll either want a 125 two stroke or a 250 two stroke. in your price range u'll probably be looking at 1994-2000.
Sep 23, 2006
rushy08 said:
1st of all you sound like a bit of a tosser. second u'll either want a 125 two stroke or a 250 two stroke. in your price range u'll probably be looking at 1994-2000.
Srry, im not really into the whole mx terminology. Is a tosser a bad thing? lol...Why do you reccomend the 2stroke?

Thanks for the replys so far guys :cool:
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