
Jun 6, 2020
I hope this is posted in the right area, hoping to get some advice and insight.
I don't know if I posted this or not but the bike I am riding is a Bashan Recon, It is powered by a Zonshen 229cc clone of the crf230 engine from what I gathered and so far it has been fun but I am thinking I want to get a dirt bike rather than the enduro and I want to go between 125 and 150 cc's. I realize, or at least I hope that I will find that I will want to go back up in power and I am not worried about buying another bike down the road, I have 2 grandsons and a granddaughter so they wont go to waste. I know it is kind of a loaded question because everyone has their favorites but I am hoping for some direction because when you read one spec sheet behind the other it begins to blur together. I know I will miss something but just a little info that may help: I am not interested in being super fast or leaving the ground without need I just want a bike more purpose built for the mostly sugar sand areas I will ride, they are well traveled and well rutted and the four wheelers take great delight in doing doughnuts in the middle of every intersection. My skill level is beginner with a capital B but I tend to learn fairly well from video and hope to recruit a mentor from a club in the town where I work with any luck because none of my friends ride dirt bikes. I have only owned one 2 stroke and it was a yamaha 3 wheeler and the biggest thing I remember about it was that you had to lay over the bars starting out to keep it from coming over on you and it was a really fun ride so I don't know the advantages a 2 stroke has over a 4 stroke and visa versa other than being taught a 2 stroke will generally produce more raw power than a comparable 4 and has no valves to be adjusted. I am a big fan of Honda but have owned Yamaha and Kawasaki so I am open to any brand. I am a short guy and would like to keep the seat height 35 or lower but thats not a deal breaker either if need be I will spend the money to lower the bike. I apologize for rambling, just trying to give you fine folk something to work with.

Many Thanks.


Dec 31, 1969
Loaded question indeed.

How big a fella are ya (height-weight)? A 125/150 4-stroke is probably going to be a too small, underpowered bike for an average sized adult, especially in sand.

If you are considering a used bike, any color will do (NOT china bikes). I'd probably look for a clean 125 (2-stroke MX) and go from there if you are concerned about too much power. If you spend a lot of time in that deep sand though, a 250 (2-stroke) would be a better choice, even for a beginner.


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
You will have better quality from a used Yamaha, Honda, KTM, Suzuki or Kawasaki than any other brand. David Pingree (former pro racer) tried racing one of the off brands and he never got it to the line. The quality was so horrible he didn't trust it and he once had a KTM break at the steering head when he landed from a triple. He will ride a KTM again but not any of the off brands.

For a pit bike the off brands can be ok but not anything where you may experience a wash out on the trail, significant rough terrain (even if it is just a lot of water bars that you try to get a little air off of) or drop offs.

Best advice for anyone wanting to get into bikes when young... buy used and work on them yourself. Be prepared for a lot of mistakes and a lot of learning but it will set you up for a long and fun future. Plus if you get into dirtbikes you will never have money for drugs :) Dirtbikes are much better than any drug anyway.


Jun 6, 2020
thanks for the replies fellas, the bike really wouldn't be so much for me as my grandsons but I go about 165 and would ride it from time to time. the main motivation is to spend time with them, the oldest one nearly lived with me from a few day's old up until 6th grade when he started wrestling he is starting HS now. they have always been my hiking and camping buddies and I took the squirrel hunting until they graduated to hunting deer with their dad, I have no interest in deer hunting anymore. they live within a couple of miles of me so I see them pretty much every week but hiking and camping season is pretty short in florida and dirt bikes would be a great way to keep active with them.
Truespode, you hit the nail on the head, for me it was horses, I didn't have time for drugs or the desire to have something else control me. I talk to these boy's about all the perils they are going to face and how I expect them to handle them, I even told the oldest if I ever found out he was using drugs I would show up at his school and kick his butt for all his friends to see and when they slap me in jail he would know he put me there, then after a pause I told him " I love you that much"


Dec 31, 1969
thanks for the replies fellas, the bike really wouldn't be so much for me as my grandsons but I go about 165 and would ride it from time to time. the main motivation is to spend time with them, the oldest one nearly lived with me from a few day's old up until 6th grade when he started wrestling he is starting HS now. they have always been my hiking and camping buddies and I took the squirrel hunting until they graduated to hunting deer with their dad, I have no interest in deer hunting anymore. they live within a couple of miles of me so I see them pretty much every week but hiking and camping season is pretty short in florida and dirt bikes would be a great way to keep active with them.
Truespode, you hit the nail on the head, for me it was horses, I didn't have time for drugs or the desire to have something else control me. I talk to these boy's about all the perils they are going to face and how I expect them to handle them, I even told the oldest if I ever found out he was using drugs I would show up at his school and kick his butt for all his friends to see and when they slap me in jail he would know he put me there, then after a pause I told him " I love you that much"

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