

May 22, 2000
Bleach, common household bleach renders Anthrax absolutely worthless. Not sure how to get this point across without scaring people, or sounding paranoid (is there such a thing anymore?). The Florida incident was, powder in a doubt delivered by an American postal worker to an American. After seeing how they used "us" against us on the 11th, it wouldn't surprise me if these people just might try to deliver a little "dusty letter" to every house in the USA (or as many as possible). My point is, have some bleach around when you open your it in the kitchen or something. I know...I'm laughing at myself too, but it sure wouldn't be funny next week; seeing dust falling out of an envelope...them spreading spores through the air as you run down to the laundry room (bleach remember). All I mean to say is, if you see something bad, bleach it leave it, and call the PD. I kind of like the gang here...hate to see anything bad happen.

Not to say that the terrorists were responsible this time...this was a tabloid paper we are talking about...could have been Elvis.

Old CR goat

Sponsoring Member
Nov 10, 2000
The problem with the media is " they all have the same story", so grasp at what even they can and call it an exclusive, or at least "we're the first to report this"

Damn, you would think they would have learned their lesson last Nov. huh!


Dec 4, 1999
It's crazy--

--I have had three document inspections at Port of Entry's to make sure I had a CDL with Haz-Mat endorsements.

If the Terrorists did not want to know how to land a plane--I doubt if they care if they have a valid CDL w/Haz-mat.

On 9-12-01 my company tracked me down via the satellite receiver on my truck because someone called FEMA about a dark haired guy with a beard spraying gas into the air. :eek:

When I unload propane, there is always some gas and pressure in the hose that must be purged to atmosphere so I can unhook hose.

It is good to be vigilant---I am determined to be more alert---But I refuse to let them win by living in fear of everything!


Dr. Feel Good
Jun 15, 2001
Not to give the papers credit--chances are, the Anthrax case was planted by a terrorist. The last known death in the U.S. from Anthrax was in 1976 as a result of crafting with tainted (spore) goat hair (from the middle east, nonetheless). ie, hey guys--this case wasn't just perchance, know what I'm saying?

As regards the bleach--the type of disease caused by Anthrax that "kills" is the inhalation disease. Bleach will do nothing about that. I doubt, also, it would do much for spore contamination of surface objects either, since by definition, spores are little tank-like dwellings that the bug's DNA is temporarily hiding out in until it's deemed ready to burst out of its shell and kick some ass.

Other information: There are 3 "types" of Anthrax disease: 1) Inhalation, 2) Cutaneous--cured with penicillin/doxycycline and 3) Gastrointestinal--typically results in a fatal hemorrhagic ascities.

If the inhalation route were to be targeted by the Taliband--they could choose to drop 100kg/220# of Anthrax spores upwind of Washington DC, resulting in the death of 3,000,000 people. This, my friends, is as effective as a Hydrogen bomb. Savi?

Yes--we're at risk of terrible stuff. The only way you can POSSIBLY survive inhalation Anthrax (which results in a hemorrhagic mediastinitis, necrotizing pneumonia, bacteremia/sepsis, multi-system organ failure and hemorrhagic meningitis) is to simultaneously begin Ciprofloxacin 500mg bid AND receive the cell-wall Ag Anthrax vaccine. Antibiotics could be stopped after 60 fricking days. If one doesn't get vaccinated--as soon as you stop the antibiotics, the disease recurs resulting in instantaneous death.

This infection is so bad-ass that even sterile, treated blood (infection negative) of animals that have been treated for systemic Anthrax, will, when injected into healthy animals, kill that animal as well.

The microbiology of the bug is beyond the scope of this, but suffice it to say that the organism makes 3 exotoxins: 1) Edema factor 2) Lethal factor, and 3) Protective factor. The complex interaction of these toxins result in cell death even when the organism itself has been eradicated. Somewhat like Toxic Shock Syndrome.

So no, it's no joke. :(


Jan 6, 2001
i live down here in south florida and I do not think that this is a matter to be taken litely. My moms best friend works at that same building and was close to the gentlemen that died. Just today they closed down the posy office to check for possible anthrax contamination.


Dec 4, 1999
Heard on the radio--

:scream: --- They linked the dead guy to a negative article he wrote about Osadam being spurned by an American woman--guess we will have to start calling him--Lil 'sadam!!:confused: :)


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Nephron, my man!

Very articulate, acurate, and informative. I could have heard a thousand media reports on Anthrax and NOT got this info. I'm glad dirtbiking crosses more professional, religious, socio-economic backgrounds. I think you deserve a NEW handle and icon, something like "Doc Dirt" or "MXimus Doctorus" or "Injurous Correctus". :cool:
Thanks for the righteous info.:)
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