Any NW DRNr's getting together over July 4th?


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
I'm packing up the family next week and we're heading out to Seattle to visit my folks.

If any of you are getting together for a little riding, let me know. I always enjoy meeting more DRNr's.



Nov 14, 2000
Where you gonna be? I could go on sunday the 7th. How bout some gnarly rock/root infested trails about an hour outside of seattle? Reiters !


May 17, 2001
woods, how long are you staying? I'm up for a ride Sunday as well. If you're still here on Monday, I'd recommend riding then. Some of the better places like Tahuya are too crowded for me to even attempt riding during the weekend unless someone else wants to lead. :p



Nov 13, 1999
T'Rat, Yeah, I was a bit busy running sound check last weekend. Sorry I missed you. Did I check you? Hope I was my usual adam henry self ;)

Closing the campground is news to me. If you have info. let me know and I'll get NMA on the case.

WoodsRider, let us know what your plans are and we can get a ride going. MACE will be up to his elbows in E4OD tranny sometime that weekend, but there is always time for some Reiter abuse. Woods, are you going to have a bike with you?


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
Wow, I didn't think I'd get this many replies.

Unfortunately I won't be bringing my bike. The stroller and car seat take up too much luggage space on the plane.

Really just wanted to know if you guys had something planned. I'd be happy just stopping by, saying "hi" and getting to know more DRNr's. Any chance to do riding would just be an added benefit. Last time I rode in WA was up in the Taneum over 10 years ago. I've ridden up at Reiter a few times, but the majority of my riding was at Cle Elum before it was closed. :(

My parents still live in Seattle near 130th and Aurora (99). We'll be arriving late Monday night (7/1) and leaving late Sunday night (7/7).



Nov 14, 2000
I'll most likely end up hanging out at Sky River MX track in Monroe on sunday again. if you want you can hang out with me I won't be greedy and let ya ride my bike but I have the you break it you bought it rule though.


Nov 13, 1999
Originally posted by WoodsRider

My parents still live in Seattle near 130th and Aurora (99). We'll be arriving late Monday night (7/1) and leaving late Sunday night (7/7).


Actually, I'll be riding the night enduro at Capitol on 7/6. If you're just hanging out, that is kind of a groovy vibe event.

BTW, I highly recommend the night enduro to you fellow NWDRNers (if you have any kind of a decent light). The organizing club realizes that speeds need to be adjusted for darkness and it is always a blast. Truly my favorite event of the year (and I don't really like Capitol all that much....).


Jun 13, 2001
Mace, that sounds like great fun. the dark.

I really dislike the lack of information for some of these events. So I will ask you.....when?where? how much money? how many miles? the usual. I am not really concerned with competing (to win, never rode an enduro) in the event so much as finishing a nice long ride.

If you don't know maybe just write some more about last year's event. I will be holding you to your "the greatest ride of the year" statement.


Nov 13, 1999
Jul 6
(EP) River City Night Enduro
River City MC, Capitol Forest. Kenny, 253-537-3695.

Jul 7
(PRP) River City Poker Run
River City MC, Capitol Forest. Gary Merrill, 253-922-6675.

That is the info on the NMA page.
One thing, the event is out of Rock Candy trailhead and not Middle Waddel.

I5 fwy exit #104 go west on SR 101. Left at Summit Lake exit.

I just really like to ride at night. The River City club sets reasonable speed averages for the most part so you get to actually time keep instead of justgoingasfastasyoufreakingcanandjustgettinglaterandlater. The first rider out is at 9pm or something so you are really riding and competing in the dark. The loop is something like 30 miles. Pretty much the typical Capitol Forest stuff. Kind of easy in the day. Lots of fun at night. Dust can be an issue at night. In the past, the really dusty section was also really slow speed average. Smart club who wants you to have fun. The fast section (special test) was moist and pretty much without any stupid dangerous stuff. Like I sais, a smart club.

I'll be riding my XR650L Trail Whale. It has that street bike generator that runs the big streetbike headlight and my helmet lights so well. I put up with a 300lb plus machine so I can see what it is about to plow into....
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