Any Opera (browser) users that can help?


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
I'm wondering if anyone can help me. I'm trying to open a .wmv file (it's video/audio), but have only so far managed the audio (saved on my hd).

As per the Opera site I've copied the files needed into the plug-ins folder.

I then go to play a .wmv file

WMP then connects to microsoft? to download a new decompressor?

Error then comes up: 'Your security settings do not allow for the new decompressor to be installed. To fix, set your browser's security settings for the Internet zone to Medium or lower.
Click on "More Help" to launch your browser and get help on this problem from the Microsoft Web Site.'

I've tried looking on the Opera site for help, the microsoft website wouldn't load.

I d/l WMP last night (windows 95 version) so thought I'd only have to install it & it'd be ready to go - I dunno. I know I'm missing something obvious here, but can't figure out what (hopefully it's not overly obvious).

If anyone could help, that'd be great.
Cheers in advance


Aug 29, 2001
You're security settings for Internet Explorer are set too high!

Go into 'tools' and then 'internet options' and then 'security' and try it again with the setting at the next level down, and again at the next level down again. The default setting is 'medium' so try 'medium-low' first and then 'low' as a last resort. If that doesn't work then go into 'advanced' and tick the box next to 'enable install on demand'.

If that doesn't work then Panic!!

I hope you are using some sort of firewall, if not and its your home PC then first go and grab a 'free for personal use' copy of Zone Alarm from
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