Anyone here have a 133 or 144? Is it worth it?


Jul 5, 2001
Over this winter, I'm planing on Eric Gorr to punch my 99CR125 to either a 133cc or 144cc. Not sure yet? Right now my bike is pretty darn good setup, FMF Fatty w/PowerCore II Silencer, Boyesen CF Reeds w/RAD Valve. I plan on purchasing a CR250 Carburetor for it over the winter too, Do I need a 99 carburetor for it since my bike is a 99? Ok, Back to the Big-Bore question...I read and feel (my bike) that the 98-99 125's are flat on the top-end. I don't race, I just mainly go all out at the local pits and rip **** up, but I constantly get smoked my friends 2001 KX125, his bike just seems to rev to the moon! I want to ask anyone out there who reads this that has a 133 or 144 in there CR's, KX's, RM's, or YZ's input on there big-bores. Thanks a bunch!
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