Anyone in the Colorado Springs area

Colorado Mike

Jun 28, 2004
hey Jason,
I'm a ways north of you in Littleton. Where do you go riding? I've recently gotten back into it, and just been out to Rampart and up around the Kenosha Pass area. This weekend my buds and I are heading up north to Elk meadows up near Lyons.



Jul 6, 2004
Colorado Mike said:
hey Jason,
I'm a ways north of you in Littleton. Where do you go riding? I've recently gotten back into it, and just been out to Rampart and up around the Kenosha Pass area. This weekend my buds and I are heading up north to Elk meadows up near Lyons.


Well I mostly ride in the rocky Mount Nat. forest area just above Lake George CO. Also twards Deckers on Rainbow Mountain. My favorite used to be Cedar Mount. Road Trails just out of Devide, but that has been closed due the the Hayman Fire. So I am looking for some more trails that are not soo far away. I am looking for someone to go up Capt. Jacks but that is in the Springs kind of far for you to travel. I have not heard of any of the areas you mentioned. Let me know what kind of ridding it is I might be interested.

Colorado Mike

Jun 28, 2004

Sounds like you are riding reasonably close to some of the spots I've been. Rampart is an area set aside for bikes and has a lot of marked trails. It's a little west of Sedalia if you know where that is. It gets a ton of traffic on weekends, so the guys I ride with prefer to dodge out of work early on a weekday and go up there in the evening. It's pretty abandoned then. I was dumb enough to go up there once when they had 600 riders in a poker run plus the normal traffic. With all the dust, visibility was about 15 feet. The Kenosha Pass area is a lot more scenic and not crowded. It's out 285 near Webster. The altitude can get to you though, I think some of the trails are near 12,000' . The first time I went there my bike was jetted stupid-rich. This place I'm trying this weekend is way north of you, almost to Estes Park. Next time we are hitting one of the more southern spots, I'll try to let you know, see if you want to hook up. Most of us are kind of old, and just like the tight, twisty, low-speed technical stuff. When we fall off it hurts a lot longer. We've got about 5 or 6 guys that go, a mix of big 4 strokes and 2 strokes, ex racers and brand newbies too.



Apr 20, 2003
riding in colorado

hey guys i live in aurora i just had a new piston and rings ,reeds, carb rebuilt and forkseals done on my 93 250and went to crested butte colorado for four days the riding there is world class and no traffic i did 250 miles in 4 days without a single problem with the bike slite case of monkey butt though, the price you pay to play anyways count me in on some rides we can all meet somewhere nutural and head out i like rampart(on weekdays) love rainbow falls in woodland park i even like pueblo,ever been there?


Jul 6, 2004
I have been to Pueblo before, I don't care much for it though. I prefer more woods ridding but I like Rainbow Falls allot!


Dec 29, 2002
I'm south of you in New Mexico, near Raton. I'd be willing to drive up to the Springs once in awhile to go riding, and I definitely be willing to meet further south. Ever explore the San Isabel forest area??


Dec 29, 2003

There are a few of us around. I have been pretty busy this summer and didn't get out much, but I would be up for a ride most anytime, just let me know.

Oh, I am in Monument.



Jul 6, 2004
NM_KDX200 said:
Hey Jason- since you've got a 200, what jetting are you running up there in the Springs?

42-45 pilot and a 150 main jet with the needle in the 1-2 slot from the top, is what I have used for a base line seems to run great with the needle in the second slot


Dec 29, 2003
Would love to, but some friends and I are taking the street bikes on a three day "Tour of Colorado's Mountain passes." We are giong to hit something like 14 or 15 of them. Should be a good time.

If you want to take off a day during the week sometime, Monday, Thursday, and Friday are usually good, but it depends on the week.

If you post this over in the Team DRN Mile High Chapter, area, you might get some more response. I imagine that some of them don't make it over here into KDX land very often.

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