applying graphics


Mar 17, 2002
I just got new radiator shrouds and factory effex stock replica (which look and fit like crap) graphics. Nevertheless I still need to put them on. I've heard of using windex and some other methods. What methods have you used and how has it worked out? Thanks


Feb 7, 2002
I have never used the Windex method, or heard of anyone using it on shroud graphics. I don't reccomend it.

I have Factory Effex OEM graphics on my RM. They are pretty flexible once you start putting them on. While I was putting mine on there was one area that I just knew would not fit I got out the razor blade. Well, once I got the whole thing on, I was looking around for that little piece of sticker I had just cut off. So give them a chance, you'll be suprised.

If your graphics had the bolt pattern cut in it, start by lining those up. If not, start lining up the curves at the very front edge of the shroud(for bikes that have a concealed gas tank; KX/CR) or the very back (bikes that have exposed gas tanks; RM/YZ). This will be your reference point. Once you have an idea about what looks best, start peeling off the backing, about 3 or 4 inches at a time beginning at my reference point. Once you have it sticking at your reference point, keep light, constant tension on it as you lay down the graphic. This will prevent kinks and bubbles. Remember, if something doesn't look like it's lining up, the graphic can absorb minor curves and adjustments with out buckling.

Let me know how it goes.
Have patience and fun! Good Luck...
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Oct 29, 2001
I have never used the Windex method, or heard of anyone using it on shroud graphics. I don't reccomend it.

I have only used windex to apply my graphics. I have never used anything else.

Here is what i did to install my graphics which were N-style OEM like graphics by the way, but anyways.
I sprayed an ample anmount of windex on the decals "sticky side" and also on the surface that you are going to put the decal on. Then i used a wash-clothe and worked out the windex until it starts to dry. I have absolutely NO air bubbles. It worked perfect. If you have any other q's just post em. Ill answer them.

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