Arrgh, I think it happened...


Apr 1, 2002
Hey everyone,

I have a 96 WR250 that has an unknown amount of hours on the top end (bought used). I've been getting good compression and power, so I did not tear down the top to check the tolerances.

Well, I wish I had! I think the piston shattered. I don't know if the preceeding events had anything to do with it. I had just dumped the bike in a sharp turn (nothing hard). After a minute of riding later, the engine started bogging so I switched to my **** to reserve. Then the engine starts running normal for about... oh 20 seconds, then it starts rattling really bad. This was at about 1/8 throttle and I was going very slow. I stop, check to make sure it's not some debris caught in my wheel, and start back up. Bam engine starts rattling like popcorn. I go about 20 feet in 1st and then stop again. I decided not to start the bike back up so I walked back to my truck.

Cycling the kickstarter yields a slight grinding noise within the engine, but lacks compression. There are no hitches and it's quite smooth though.

Did I just shatter my piston? My wallet says no I didn't, but I'm starting to come to terms with it. :ugg:

I'm doing the top end tomorrow to see what kind of damage was done. Does a low speed failure like this usually result in cato$trophic cylinder damage? Is there a chance that it's relatively undamaged? That would piss me off to need to get bored and replated cuz I just bought a standard size piston. alsdjflkasdjf !!!!!! Arrgh, thanks for any insight.



Jan 9, 2000
I think the big end bearing has let go and a few bits of the bearing have gone up the side of the piston.You may get away with a hone of the cylinder and new piston and new big end kit.


Jan 22, 2002
with any luck only the powervalve kissed the piston and the damage isnt excessive. But unfortunately the only way to tell is to take it apart and observe what you see. Let us know what you see and hopefully we can help you prevent it from happening again!
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