
Aug 5, 2005
we're getting tickets to the supercross for the Orlando stop in March. I haven't been to one in over 10 years (they used to come to the old Tampa Stadium). Back then I'd show up about 45 minutes before the start of the races. My buddy was telling me last year the races started at 7 and they went arrived around noon and had to wait forever to get into the parking lot? The gates opened at 11 but it was that crowded he said? I'm thinking what the heck are we gonna do all day (well I'm sure we can find a couple of beverages, but still for 7 hours?)

Anybody else been to one recently? Why would it have been so crowded?


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
We are always waiting at the gate to get in as soon as they open. I figure for the cash I spend and the 14 hour drive I make to St. Louis I want to see every second of practice and qualifying.


Mar 27, 2005
Take some earplugs, it's getting louder with all the 4-smokes, despite the sound tests. If you want autographs, check out the pits early (make sure your tickets include the pit passes). Many teams are giving out numbered tickets well ahead of the scheduled autograph times - You have to get in line at one time to be able to get in THE line at a later time; pay attention to the schedules. I keep going earlier each year. Good luck & have a great time! :cool:


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
we usually show up early enough so it only costs me 1/2 a million dollars for food and drinks.

seriously, eat right before you get there so you only have to buy SNACKS not meals, or youll be in for the full million :pissed:


Dec 31, 1969
We get to Texas Stadium at about 10-11 , tailgate and eat with about 20 DRN'ers. The only expense left is the plastic bud bottles.


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
And always go by and check out the privateeers, take a pic of their bike.. Gotta support the backbone..


Nov 30, 2003
Definately show up early to watch practice and roam the pits before the crowds. Some of your best pictures can be taken during practice. Bring a cooler of food and drinks to tailgate. Food at the stadium is expensive (think football). Since I flew in, I was taveling light. I taught the son how to make a college cooler, beer in the trash can from the room, covered with ice from the ice machine. Saved about $7 a beer. A back pack is helpful to carry camera, binoculars, water, stickers, ect... Definately bring earplugs and a hand towel (to wipe your seat) and don't wear white, lol. That dust gets everywhere.

I went to the Dallas SX last year. I'm from MD, son lives with mom in TX. Did a dry run to the stadium the evening before so Dad wouldn't get lost. We were able to walk the pits and get a few good pics. We saw RC's, CR's, JBS's and KW's bikes. When we got to Travis's pit I started talking to his Dad. He invited us behind the gate and let Stephen sit on his bike. You can say what you want about that kid, but they are a very gracious team. We didn't want to overstay our welcome so we shook hands and went on our way.

We had a great time. Good luck


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