Hey, I just had MX-tech in livermore CA. change my springs on my 2002 cr125 to suit my weight (125lbs). My problem now is the valving is to stiff and I am turned all the way out on my compression on the forks and low speed on the shock. I have done my homework and I'm planning to switch to 2.5 weight oil in the forks. Should I change the oil in the shock to? Anyway my main question is how will the change to the lighter oil affect my current clicker settings. Can you give me a ball park recommendation on how to adjust the clickers to comensate for the lower viscosity? I appreciate your help.
Do what Marcus told you however... First things first DRN is not MXT technical suport.. I'd be happy to help you as would Chris, Tim, Steve, or Erich at I-moto, but your lucky I'm in town right now and doing my forum.. Please contact us directly in the future for propmpt help.