Attn Rich Rohrich


***** freak.
May 5, 2000
Hey, Rich. A friend of mine sent me this link. I'd love to have your thoughts on it. Be sure to watch the video.


Wise master of the mistic
Jun 28, 2001
I say it's junk. But that's purely an unscientific observation.
That webiste is all "to good to be true" fluff.
Kind of like the miracle gas pill ;)


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Sort of like a super sized EGR. I'd imagine some significant improvements could be had on most old V8's with just a good tune up from where many currently are.

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
All that earth shattering technology in one place and not one mention anywhere on the site of a patent (I grepped the site searching for the word).

If I could change the world with my technology I would sure try and protect it so the big OEMs didn't steal my ideas. :)


***** freak.
May 5, 2000
Note the lack of any pricing information. I may ask for a quote, just for giggles.

I'd be SHOCKED to learn this was some kind of MLM scheme. :)


Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
I though it WAS against the law to mess with a working CAT?


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Perhaps one of the reasons it doesn't have a patent?


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
so, if I want to market something, I have to end it with "-izer" and it will increase my mileage by 300%?


prepare for the "pred-izer"!


Jan 27, 2000
Not sure but I believe it uses the heat from the cat to preheat the fuel into a vapor before it goes to the carb or injectors.

Back in the 70's there was a company that sold something similar. It used a heat exchanger that got it's heat from the exhaust manifolds to preheat the fuel into a vapor before it went into the carb. The company claimed 60 to 80 MPG and had a patent on the device. At that time we were paying about $1.35 a gallon for gas :ohmy: and since we were traveling the circuit we were trying to save some money.

I sent for the information and received it promply. Still have it somewhere. When I tried to contact the company later, they were no where to be found. Completely disappeared off the face of the earth. I figure either the thing actually worked and the oil companys bought them out or it was dangerous and blew a few customers up. :yikes:

Farmer John

T.C.F.<br>(tire changin' fool)
Mar 8, 2000
Ol'89r said:
or it was dangerous and blew a few customers up. :yikes:

Now that would be cool ;)
I want to patent & market some thing like that!

"The Lobotimizer"

It would have fine print explaning that "only" 20% of users had their brains explode & catch on fire.


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
A fella in Cushing, OK working for Texaco did some tinkering along these lines. Average union worker at the tank farm. One day, multi-million dollar house, new cars, yada yada. Word has it that Phillips Petrolleum, aka Conoco-Phillips bought the product and it included a no disclosure clause. Sound exactly like the device you speak of Terry.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
The really odd part is typically you want the fuel to remain cool do you not? :think:


Sep 3, 2001
i'll take a stab at that Pat. As the fuel vaporizes, it absorbs heat, cooling the mixture. Heat of vaporization. Cool air is a good thing, because the whole idea is expanding gasses pushing the piston(s). However it depends where/when the fuel meets with the air.

The situation is a bit different with carb like our bikes vs. injected automobile, depending on where the injector is located. Difference in time the fuel has to vaporize and mix with the air, and transfer heat.

Ideal world would probably be very cool air, hot combustion chamber, and fully vaporized, hot fuel injected directly into the chamber as late as possible.

Watch out for vapor lock in the lines.

I may not be completely on target with all of this but hopefully at least will help provoke thought.

My (fuel injected) truck gets noticeable better mileage in warm weather.


Tony 'da Rat
Oct 16, 2000
I'm getting

I sent in a request for a quote and here is the reply. I put one line in BOLD that caught my attention.

Dear Bobby Hill,

You have completed the form to get started on the two-step process. We require no money at this time. Thank you for your request for a quote. One of our customer service representatives has been given your request and should reply to you, by return email within a couple of days at most. If you require a phone call, or more personal attention, you can let our representative know that then. This is a two-step process...

The first step is to get the Hydro-Assist Fuel Cell (HAFC) kit, which is available right now and is universal (it will fit any personal gasoline fueled vehicle... if you own a diesel fueled vehicle skip to the second step.) The kit can be installed by you or your own mechanic (with the instructions that come in the kit). If you prefer, the kit could also be installed by our trained, and certified, mechanic in your area. The first step is guaranteed to increase the fuel economy of your vehicle by a minimum of 50% as shown on our scientific test in which we can control all the variables to absolutely PROVE the performance before and after your modification. Your price for the initial kit and ordering instructions will be provided in the return email. In the unlikely event the kits does not produce the minimal guaranteed performance, then you will be allowed ample time to remove and return the kit to the supplier for a full refund of the cost of the kit. We are sure that to get
a 50% increase guaranteed and an expected mileage increase of double (based upon our experiences so far) the kit will be well worth the cost and effort even without the Pre-Ignition Catalytic Converter (PICC). Where else can you get that possibility today, especially at no risk? (That is, thanks to our 50% performance guarantee.) The HAFC first step will also give you relief from high fuel prices while you are waiting to take the second step.

The second step in the process is for us to get you a quote on a customized PICC. It is an upgrade from the HAFC kit. Our research indicates that in conjunction with the HAFC kit, the PICC will be even more effective. It will also save money on hardware for the PICC installation. If you have a diesel vehicle, then the HAFC kit is not for your car, but you can still install the PICC even on diesel powered vehicles. Those with diesel must skip the first step and just wait for the PICC quote. The PICC is being developed for a wide range of vehicles and, when it is ready for your make and model, you will be given a quote. The PICC MUST be installed by one of our certified mechanics and, when we are ready, we will not only give you a quote for the hardware, but also inform you as to where you can get it installed, locally. This may take several months. Please be patient. We expect the PICC to revolutionize the industry. We are building our trained mechanic infrastructure with the HAFC kit initially.

We are also working on a very unique financing program for the PICC upgrade. Having a PICC is expected to greatly increase the value of your car. So much so, that the car itself could be the collateral for a loan to buy the PICC. All you may need is the title and no matter what your credit is like, you will be accepted for that loan. If your car is still being financed, this funder would just refinance it with the PICC on it. The payments should be less than half the amount of the monthly savings.

So, a customer service representative has been assigned to you who will respond to your quote request. We recommend watching the HAFC video as well as the PICC video and reviewing the web site more fully before you are contacted so you will understand what we are offering you free any of risk. You can use the email address and password you provided us to log into the customer's area of the web site, We have added features, which will allow you to update the PICC quote information with revised contact information, add a vehicle to the quote request, or change information on existing vehicles. We may use this area for further information on our PICC research progress.

You should receive a confirmation and quote email shortly. If you do not receive the confirmation email, it means one of two things: 1) You did not give us a valid email address. 2) Either your ISP or your email program is blocking our emails. Of course, you can contact us again through the email address and password you provided us to log into the customer?s area of the web site and let us know that there has been no response. Please allow a few days to pass first because we are as busy as you might imagine anyone with what we have to offer such a huge market of consumers would be.

PICC/HAFC Customer Service

P.S. Please do not respond to this email address because we do not monitor it for incoming email. If you need to contact someone, please contact your customer service rep and/or dealer.

Customer Information
Name: Bobby Hill
Company Name:
Home phone: 949-296-1423
Work phone:
Other phone:
Email Address:
Password: ripoff
Physical Street: 2030 MAIN ST STE 150
Physical Apartment/Suite:
Physical City/State/Zip/Country: IRVINE CA 92614-7246 USA
Mail Street:
Mail Apartment/Suite:
Mail City/State/Zip/Country:

Vehicle Information
Vehicle: 1
Make: Ford
Model: F-150
Year: 2005
No. Cylinders: 8
Injection type: Fuel Injection
Fuel type: Unleaded Regular
Current City Mileage: 14
Current Highway Mileage: 18

Dealer who will handle your order
Company Name: High Tech Energy Solutions
Name: Fred Wilson
Street: 3750 W 59th St
City/State/Zip/Country: Los Angeles, CA 90043 USA
Email address:


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
I can't see why you'd want to turn that deal down, Dr. Santero, er, "Mr. Hill".

I look forward to you reporting back with your findings


Tony 'da Rat
Oct 16, 2000
Here it is.............

Here is your
Kindly save this e-mail for later reference
Here is your FREE PICC QUOTE, Newsletter Volume Volume 1, Issue Issue 1 January 27, 2008

Subjects Covered

The HAFC Kit Price
Hydro-Assist Fuel Cell Kit
Why not start saving NOW?
Contact Information
Hydro-Assist Fuel Cell Kit

Important Links

Questions and Answers:

Dear Bobby Hill,

Thank you for your recent request for an obligation free quote on our engine modification process for your car(s.) It is a two-step process and we must quote each step in the process separately, since the first step is already on the market and the second step (the PICC) is not yet market ready, I will give you a quote now on the Hydro-Assist Fuel Cell. This first step (the HAFC kit) is GUARANTEED to increase your gas mileage by 50% or better, but we expect it to possibly more than double it. In fact, scientific testing from our test pilot program of the first 80 HAFC installations in our class projects averaged an increased mileage of 95%. The PICC is an upgrade, which adds more technology to the HAFC. The HAFC will have to be added later when the PICC is ready anyway, so you might as well get it now and start saving while waiting for the PICC. You may be so happy with the HAFC you do not need the PICC upgrade. If you are like some of our customers and get over 100 miles pe! r gallon with your four cylinder car, why spend more money upgrading to the PICC? At the time we are ready to upgrade you to the PICC, we will send you a quote for the PICC kit with a scientific appraisal of the estimated mileage increase as well as the additional costs involved in upgrading. Whatever it is, you can decide if it is worth it. Our guesstimate is that we will be able to increase even SUVs to over 100 miles per gallon for another $2,000 to $3,000 cost (perhaps $4,000 in total.)

The HAFC Kit Price

The HAFC Kit price, for your car is $1,040 plus $25.00 S/H for a total of $1065.00 and is absolutely guaranteed to increase your mileage by at least 50% or you will be cheerfully refunded the cost of the kit upon the return of the kit as per our savings guarantee policy. The question is, would you pay a thousand dollars to be guaranteed an increase of 50% or better in miles traveled per gallon of gasoline? There is a high likelihood you will even double your gas mileage, but that is not guaranteed to happen, so let’s just take the first statement. If you drive 15,000 miles per year, and are getting 20 miles per gallon average, then you are using 750 gallons of gasoline a year. If you could be guaranteed to change that to 30 miles per gallon then you would use 500 gallons instead. That is a savings o! f 250 gallons of gasoline. It is like getting 250 gallons of free gas each year! At $3 per gallon, that is $750 saved in one year. But gas is expected to go to $4 per gallon and that is a savings of $1,000 in one year. If you drive 20,000 miles per year, then it is more like 334 gallons of free gas. Of course the kit has often doubled the original mileage of the vehicle it is installed on, and, in that event, a one year payback is assured. Our Fuel Cell kit is expected to last the life of the vehicle and it will greatly increase the life of your engine.

Hydro-Assist Fuel Cell Kit

The HAFC (Hydro-Assist Fuel Cell) comes in the form of a kit that the car owners could even install themselves if they are handy. We also have trained and certified mechanics, and we will refer one closest to those who have purchased a kit, or we will train one in your town for you.. It usually takes four hours of a mechanic’s time to install the kit. For details about how the additional economy is achieved through this technology, I will refer you back to the web site you used when you filled out your initial request for a quote.

Why not start your saving NOW?

So, the cost for your HAFC kit is $1,040 plus $25 S/H for a total of $1065.00 and we recommend purchasing it as soon as possible. Our national dealer network has collectively funded a multi-million dollar national ad campaign that is in progress right now and we are getting busy. There are over 100 million vehicles on the road in this country and every one of them need this technology. Soon, it could get harder for our manufacturers to supply the demand. With our savings guarantee, there is nothing to lose… except your gas bills. The sooner you get your kit, the sooner you can install it and start saving. Right now, we can supply kits within no more than a couple of weeks wait. We are a dealer for this project so you buy the HAFC kit directly through our dealershi! p. Please make all checks out to:

Wilson, Green & Goldberg

For your convenience, we take:

1. Master card/Visa (we use Google to process credit card)
Click Here to visit Dealer Web site to purchase.
2. Pay pal - call first.
3. Fax Check- call first.
4. PMO- call first.

If you have any questions, first I would like to refer you to the HAFC web site, especially to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section of the site. If there is anything you need to know that is not covered on the web site you originally visited or on the HAFC site, please do not hesitate to e-mail me Click Here

*** This is how we keep you informed on the latest developments ***

Contact information:

Dealer: Lawrence A. Wilson-EL (at your service)
Phone: 323-293-7701
Hours: 11A.M. -11 P.M. 7 days a week (for now)
Questions and Answers:
Company Principals:
** Love, Truth, Justice, Peace and Freedom**


Tony 'da Rat
Oct 16, 2000
Looks like I'll have to tell them Dr. Santero, er, uum, I mean Mr. Bobby Hill is not interested. Here are the last few emails.........

This is a OUR /YOUR / complete community!

Click Here For Audio Introduction!

Do this FIRST.. may take 20 seconds or so... be patient please.

You can also Right Click and Save As to your Hard Drive.


Newsletters, Blogs, Community Center Presences, Automated Affilate Accounting, Support Sites For Affiliates and Mechanics, Archived teleconference calls and more..

You can Save to your Hard Drive or Bookmark... keep this info handy

Our Goal: All Info Reachable From One Web Page
This Page!

Site Map

1. Dutchman Enterprises, LLC Website

1.1 Information and video about HAFC / PICC
1.2 Invitation to Sign Up for a FREE PICC QUOTE

Link used by Affiliates to invite people to learn about the HAFC / PICC

People who fill out the FREE PICC QUOTE are highly qualified leads as proven by the time and effort required to read and under the website and fill out the QUOTE.

A highly qualified lead
A salesperson’s / Telemarketers DREAM.

No competition
A salesperson’s / Telemarketers DREAM.

Dutchman Enterprises, LLC Website for support for Affiliates
The very best place to start!!
password = contact Sponsor.
Just provide a username to us so we can create your custom url
needed for Step One to Marketing the HAFC / PICC.

Must submit through Help Desk at

This is so your request will get the highest priority. If you have
trouble figuring out how to use our Wonderful Help Desk feature simply
email us using the contact us page located at
another great way to reach us and by pass Spam Blockers.
(I know, it is a little technical, but will help us help you)

Dutchman Enterprises, LLC Website for Mechanics

Questions and Answers

Dutchman Enterprises, LLC Website for Questions and Answers
and more. This is a PUBLIC SITE... Anyone can view this WONDER.

More and More questions are asked on answered on a regular basis!
Come back weekly.

Dealer’s Website
Affiliate Support and Accounting
Information, News, News Flashes, etc.

You will have the same user name as you do at
with the password of 123456

High Energy Tech Solutions Community



Yahoo Group

Click to join hafc_picc

News Flash

Teleconference (Latest calls) also Archived post at:
password = contact Sponsor.

Affiliates will soon have their very own website!
They will be able to add their own products and / or services!

The Computer Tip for 02/24/88 follows:

One last thing, as your computer consultant :-) I want to say this.

If you find that you need to learn more about how to operate you computer we highly recommend the Video Professor. Just Google Video Professor to find Site.

Believe me your life will be a lot easier and you will be able to talk to technician in their language and get your computer problem solved faster. You will have more fun, yes I said fun, when you find out how easy it is to get quite good with a computer by learn a few new commands or trick each day. You will save money by saving hundreds of hours of frustration. How much is your time worth?

$100 per hour / $200-$400 per hour tuning and more for teaching others.

For Mechanics or those lucky enough to know mechanics
Mechanics will love us! This is what we off them! Click Here
Here is Dutchman's Flyer Ad Click Here


Tony 'da Rat
Oct 16, 2000
Why buy the Hydro-Assist Fuel Cell now rather than just waiting for the PICC?

That is not very wise. The HAFC is a component part of the PICC. It is guaranteed to increase your fuel economy right now by at least 50% while the PICC upgrade for your model car is being perfected. You most likely will be required to eventually buy it with the PICC, and, if in the unlikely case that it is not necessary to improve the effectiveness of the PICC for your car, you will be allowed to return it for a full refund or keep it and have it installed on another car. There is nothing to lose in getting the benefit of it right now while the PICC is being perfected. It, basically, costs you nothing extra! Many people will discover that the HAFC is so effective that the extra cost to upgrade into the PICC will not be necessary. In that case the whole thing was achieved with a kit that cost somewhere around a thousand dollars. We currently have around a dozen cars with the HAFC portion that have increas! ed their mileage, on our scientific mileage test, of over one hundred miles per gallon! Why spend a few thousand more dollars improving that?

You may stop at the HAFC and not even upgrade. It will be your choice.

This message was sent from Lawrence A. Wilson to It was sent from: Information Central Virtual, 3750 W. 59th St., Los Angeles, CA 90043. You can modify/update your subscription via the link below.

Manage your subscription


Tony 'da Rat
Oct 16, 2000
Would you like us to contact you by phone?
Don't worry, put your wallet away. We are not going
to try to sell you anything... this time :-).

We would just like to get acquainted and answer any
of your questions that you may have.

If so simply Click Here

Let us know the best time to call.

Dealer Management
11AM-11PM EST, 7 days a week.

Phone: 323-293-7701
Fax:: 323-927-1623

This message was sent from Lawrence A. Wilson to It was sent from: Information Central Virtual, 3750 W. 59th St., Los Angeles, CA 90043. You can modify/update your subscription via the link below.

Manage your subscription


Tony 'da Rat
Oct 16, 2000
This one makes me feel special. The number is "just for me"

Greetings Bobby Hill,

This weekend is good time to call if you want to talk to
Lawrence Wilson.

He will be available from 11AM-11PM to take calls.

Phone: 323-293-7701.

This number is just for your use.


AssClown WannaBe
N. Texas SP
Aug 18, 1999
This is one time that is thread is not useless without pictures.... A phone number is much more useful! This special breed of dork is fun to play with!! :)

Nice work Thumbs!!! I'll even give you a thumbs up.... :cool:

just don't try to do the things with a thumb that Elk does. :yikes:


Tony 'da Rat
Oct 16, 2000
I did a google on the phone number and it looks like this guy has his hands in a few different things.

There is no answer when you call then number. Just a recording that states the number that you called and ask you to leave a message. I'll try back later. I'll probably tell that that I need to order about 15 of these great inventions for my fleet of Ice Cream trucks.


Tony 'da Rat
Oct 16, 2000
Im your ice cream man, baby, stop me when Im passin by
See now all my flavors are guaranteed to satisfy
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