AVAST!! Ye'll be graded on the curve of me cutlass!!


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Well I'll be keelhauled! Here she be!

Yo ho ho! It'll be on the test
UI prof will teach a class on history of piracy
Shawn Vestal, Staff writer, December 21, 2007

There weren't a lot of Johnny Depps sailing around on real pirate ships.

But the actor's popularity in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies may help a University of Idaho professor sneak a little history into his students' holds. Starting in January, Ian Chambers is teaching a course he devised on the real history of piracy – one that includes as much brutish reality as it does swashbuckling adventure.

"The pirate we have in our eyes is a cross between Long John Silver, Captain Hook and Johnny Depp in 'Pirates of the Caribbean,' " Chambers said in a recent interview. "They were never as clean or as beautiful or attractive (as that). They were dirty, smelly, grubby men, most often."

There's an awful lot of interest in those grubby men. Chambers, who proposed the course in his first year at the UI, found himself flooded with students when registration for the course was opened. He increased the size of the class from 60 to 80 students, and still there's a waiting list.

Chambers said it only makes sense to teach a subject that has a "high degree of history coinciding with a high degree of interest." Studying piracy – focusing on the "golden age" of piracy from the mid-1600s to early 1700s – brings together a lot of different chapters of history that are often taught separately, Chambers said.

"It shrinks the distance between Europe, Africa and America during that time," he said.

Pirates are generally defined as "mobile thieves on the high seas … who flew under no nation's flag," Chambers said. They've been around dating back to the Greeks and Romans, but they flourished along with the colonial ambitions and maritime wars among European countries in the 1600s. As commerce and warfare opened up, so did opportunistic piracy. In addition to that, though, was the growth of privateers – ships hired by nations that operated on a freelance basis, under pirate-like rules.

When European nations signed a peace treaty in 1713, there was another boom in piracy, as navy men and privateers looked to stay at sea. Meanwhile, exploration in the Americas was creating new lanes of commerce in the Atlantic, and piracy was also thriving in the Indian Ocean and the Caribbean.

"There's just a huge amount of money traveling across the ocean," Chambers said.

Early American history was entangled with piracy, as well. Pirates were hung in Boston and elsewhere in New England, and the famous fire-and-brimstone preacher Cotton Mather once gave a sermon titled "Useful Remarks: An essay upon remarkables in the way of wicked men: A sermon on the tragical end, unto which the way of 26 pirates brought them; at Newport, on Rhode Island, July 19th, 1723."

Pirates have often been considered less wicked than romantic. In the golden age, pirates were typically poor, marginalized people – including African sailors and some women – fighting against the established order.

"These pirates were the poor attacking the rich," Chambers said. "They were Robin Hood-type figures. … That's something that's always very romantic."

Romance and reality
Just how accurate is the common image of a pirate?
Not very, says Ian Chambers, an assistant history professor at the University of Idaho.

» The peg leg? Chambers said it's likely that pirates lost limbs and fashioned crude prosthetics, but it's unlikely that those with makeshift legs would be leading the fight.

» The eye patch? It's possible that one reason for the eye patch, apart from covering a missing eye, would be to aid sailors as they moved quickly from the sunny top deck to the darkness of the lower parts of the ship. A pirate could simply switch eyes when he moved back and forth, preventing longer times waiting for his eyesight to adjust. At least that's the theory.

» Buried treasure? Most pirates – who lived short lives, often ending in battle or at the end of a noose – probably weren't compiling a retirement account. "It is very rare – very, very rare – that pirates bury treasure," Chambers said.

» The whole ruthless barbarian thing? Well, yes and no. There was plenty of violence associated with piracy, of course. But many pirate ships operated like mini-democracies, including codes of conduct that provided an extra share of the booty to those who lost limbs in battle. "They had a social security blanket they agreed on," Chambers said.

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
It's amazing what passes for education these days. No wonder there are so many dumbasses wandering around. :)


The TRUE heroes of the pirate days were those privateer pirates. They didn't have the big fancy ships with the works sails and cannons like the factory pirates did. And let's not even get into the difference in gear. All the factory guys had the latest Leatt carbon fiber eye patch, while the privateers were scuffling over the last scrap of used toilet paper to use as a make-shift eye patch (interestingly, this is where the term "stink eye" originated, but that's a fictional story for another time...) And rarely would the factory pirates even toss a dubloon overboard to a privateer pirate as they sailed past. It was a tough life indeed. Arrrrr...

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Once again Lou is the voice of reason in a sea of insanity. :)


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Avast!! Methinks a Master's in Piracy would do me good, M'Lord. Pirates were about the Productivity, matey.


Mar 27, 2005
I always wanted a Cutlass when I was young. Never got one. Only my Impala SS

Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
Rich Rohrich said:
It's amazing what passes for education these days. No wonder there are so many dumbasses wandering around. :)
Once again Lou is the voice of reason in a sea of insanity

So earning a Masters while studying piracy wouldn't impress you if I put it in my resume? :(

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Green Horn said:
So earning a Masters while studying piracy wouldn't impress you if I put it in my resume? :(

... it would impress me on the same scale as your famous "tassel dance" Greenie. :whoa:


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
BadgerMan said:
Speaking of privateers, isn't it interesting how we have made a nice friendly pop culture cartoon figure out of this barbarian?
Darn right! Natty's favorite pirate, me hearty!

I think VD likes him too.



Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001
He makes for a mean rum cake.......I'll give you that. :nod:


Damn Yankees
May 14, 2000
"Pirates of the Caribbean"

... in my eyes,..... a very poor rendition of true piracy....


Jun 5, 2001
I thought pyrite was a rock.


Crazy Russian
Jan 25, 2000
a454elk said:
I thought pyrite was a rock.

No, pyrite is a street not too far from me.

I'm sure real pirates weren't like some guy named Johnny Dippity Doo, prancing around like some effeminate high seas lumberjack.

It offends me sensibilities ..... aaaaaaaargh :pissed:


Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003
biglou said:
(interestingly, this is where the term "stink eye" originated, but that's a fictional story for another time...)

Excuse me while I clean the coffee off of my monitor and keyboard!

Please do share the story...


Jun 5, 2001
Ah, the old stink eye, or as it has been known as the "Oklahoma Starfish". A rare sight matey, a rare sight indeed.

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