Back once again

Mx Dude

Jul 18, 2000
Hey guys,

Although most of you probably didn't even I notice that I haven't been posting, I just wanted to say that I'm healed and ready to get back in the saddle. I plan on going to the MX track at HV on Sat. the 18th and see how all the bones on doing. If anyone is up at HV, stop by and say "Howdy". Look for the tenative guy with the still new (been sitting in the garage for months now) 03 CRF450, no numbers. Look for the maroon Ranger with Mx Dude plates. Hope to meeting up with some of my ole' buddies.....if anyone remembers me :eek:



Nov 5, 2001
errrrr. what happened Cliff?

i still want to come check racetown out so i think a bunch of us from SD might come and check it in the not too distant future!

Mx Dude

Jul 18, 2000
Hey Bruce,

I took one of those low speed spills and broke my collarbone and three (3) ribs. Being an old fart, it just took some time for everything to heal. The collarbone didn't hurt too much, but the broken ribs really hurt, and still remind me that I hurt myself there.

I should be up for Racetowm or anywhere in the near future. HV is close to home and I've heard it's a really easy layout so I'll start there and just get reacquainted with my 450. Shoot, I only have 4 rides on it !!

I read you got a new bike. How do you like it ?

I've started to check the board once again, so hopefully we'll hook-up soon.

THANKS for the reply !


Jan 10, 2002

good to see that you are ready to get back in the sattle. I should be able to go to HV with you real soon. I am getting ready to move into a new shop and I will be going to HV for track support as soon as I pick up the new box van.

I feel for you on the broken ribs, I broke 3 also and they really hurt bad. But just take it easy and you should heal up good. I broke the same three ribs twice and it wasn't fun the second go around.

It was good meeting with you up at Piru that one day and will be looking forward to turning some laps with ya on the new 4fiddy. Hope you can keep up.

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