badlands mx/day 3


May 8, 2001
there was something wrong with the chicken...............we ate sunday night. most of the boys came down with something so bad they had to call into work and let their bosses know that they wouldnt be there. ol dr. mx547 had the prescription to fix up the heartland spodes though. he prescribed a full day of motocross to heal what ails us. we werent about to go against doctors orders so we loaded up the trucks once again and headed out.

we got there at 900am and there were already some people there. thump, txbigguy, twinspar and other drns. we quickly signed in and geared up. the track design was really cool with a good assortment of obstacles. the corners were prepped and everybody was having fun.

justql and big lou were battling in the whoops. mx547 was testing the big double. i was having fun in the doubles section. bswift was railing around everywhere. twinspar was doing everything on that pretty yamaha. zero was showing us the fast way around the place. the kids started on the little track till the fast guys took a break. we sat around and met some others that were a little late in getting there.

the winds of badlands started to blow cold...........a sort of voodoo set in. i think it was bad mojo. txbigguy brought a friend who looped out on a really steep tabletop and fell down the opposite side. he was real slow in getting up. bswift threw his bike down and waved off riders. mx547 and me were by the flagstand and were waving riders off the track. it had been a few min. and we still didnt know the status of the downed rider. we made our way across the track. then we did something really stupid.....we stopped in a LZ(landing zone). we heard a yell and i looked up in time to see the bottom of a cr250 coming right for me. mx was just enough ahead of me that the bike missed him but not me. zero(drner) is an accomplished intermediate and he wasnt playing on this jump. he had no chance of knowing we were there(takeoff leaves you blind for the landing). he yelled and i knew it was going to get me. zero was trying to position the bike away from me. i leaped forward but got tagged in the back, hip and calf and felt damn lucky. zero rode it out briefly but eventually went down. we ran over to him and begged forgiveness. no serious bike damage( tweaked the fork alignment) and he was shaken up. i got quiet and was thanking my angels. the original crash was cleared up. the rider got his bell rung pretty good.

the voodoo thickens........... we are sitting around the trucks and one of the northtexas smackpack guys(somebody help me here) was doing this little triple in front of us. he landed it but bounced off the seat and grabbed a handful of throttle which sent him flying over a large bermed corner. the procession ended in a chain link fence. not pretty :( there was some anxious moments. lots of agony gave way to moving limbs which was a good sign. we got him up and into a chair but there was lots of pain in the lower leg and hip. we loaded him up and the guy who got his bell rung earlier went with him to the hospital. at this point i dont know the severity of the injuries to either rider. someone please post if they know. quote of the day did come from the rider taking out the fence. in his best agony face with 20 of us standing over him he said " i shoulda went to work today" :)

our new ktm buddies from muenster show up. they said they had been driving around for awhile trying to find the track. these guys had no track experience but within an hour you would of never guessed that. one of em on a 520sx(set up for woods mind you) is doing all of the doubles and one of the triples. simply amazing. he has promised us some riding on private stuff whooo hooo :)

the voodoo continues though. it started affecting the bikes now. first it was thumps yz4stroke(siezed and that was that). next justql was on the track with his gasgas and it just quit. something on the inside went away :( i think it was planned destuction so he can get the latest and greatest of gas gas two wheel fun.

we wind down in the pit hanging out. the owner of badlands is one great guy. he did everything he could to accomodate us and was great to hang around with. ive met so many people in the last three days that i forgot his name. one by one we started loading up. im beginning to feel the aches and pains of the last two days riding and reach for the ibuprofin. the heartland bunch leaves the track to make their way home.

things ive learned on this three day junket

1. confirms my belief that motorcyclist are the best people

2. food and motorcycles do go together

3. xr70s can go forever on one tank of gas

4. spending time with my young one is always good

5. life is good

post script.

to all of those i forgot to mention, im sorry. the days were a blur and there were so many people. im old and stutter on my own phone number. to those of you i didnt get to meet.....hi how ya doin? with us never strangers.......just friends we havent met. this is my take on the weekend. i am sure there are more "stories" and "memories" out there. please post em. thanks to big lou and anyone who documented all of this with film. ive gotta ibuprofen is wearing off. ;)
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Jr Admin Type
Jan 17, 2000
That was a good time for sure. I wish the motor had not nukked and Rick had not gotten hurt. His injuries are as listed, broken fibia (SP?), broken heel bone, broken radius, broken wrist. But he is in good spirits.

Here is my bikes injuries: :eek:


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AssClown WannaBe
N. Texas SP
Aug 18, 1999
The downed rider was Rick. He suffered a broken heal, tibia, and radius/radial (whatever it is, its the forearm area). He has his arm in a cast and is waiting to get the leg cast (once the swelling goes down). He will be out 6 to 8 weeks. He was doing everthing to avoid a walker at all costs. :eek:

That was definitely a fun day! It's been a year since I've been to the badlands. Russ has done a fantastic job and absolutely transformed the place. Great dirt and a great layout. Kudos to Russ for letting us have the track for a day. Just wish it hadn't been so windy. I shied away from one of the jumps because of the cross-wind. I don't like getting blown sideways. I made the mistake of following Rick up #2 (the other side of the finish). He always flies farther with less momentum than me. I came up short and that sucker launches straight up. You scrub off quite a bit of momentum just going up. I'm a bit less aerodynamic than Rick and scrubbed off a bit more speed. I fell straight down into the worst flatlanding I've had yet. The wrists are still a bit sore. I only went down once... on top of the big hill.... front end washed out from too much speed up it.

All in all.... A great time! It was a joy meeting all the new faces! What a great group of people we have here, there, and everywhere.... in DRN land.


Jr Admin Type
Jan 17, 2000
BTW, it was fun going by TS when he didn't know I was coming. His eyes were big as pancakes. LOL Then he went by me when I lunched the motor.


Feb 6, 2002
Sorry to hear about Rick's breaks. Hope he gets better soon.

The other guy that went down, Dan, has a concussion. Two days off work and two weeks off the bike.


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Really hate to hear the extent of Ricks injuries, OUCH! I saw the whole thing and new it wasn't going to be pretty. Heal up my friend!
My day at Badlands was a blast. The section just after the finish line jump gave me the "willies"(reminded me of the double/double at Casey :scream: ). The first jump was a tabletop followed by a double/single or a triple. I was hitting the tabletop perfect then locking up the brakes and rolling the double/single. I watched in envy as other guys did the tabletop and then doubled/singled into the next turn. I finally got the nerve up and DID it. It felt good over coming the fear. I practiced this one several times and then moved to the rythem section. I never did get the first jump after the turn but I eventually nailed the lasted two. After the plateau, there was a steep/tall tabletop, quick shift into third, roll on half throttle and float like a butterfly to the steep back side. Immediately following this is a "camel back" double/triple. I finally did this one. So, my journey was almost complete. I made a couple of loops hitting and landing everything but the #2 double and the finish line double(I think there was a cross wind). This felt great.
At one point, Russ gathered everyone at the starting area for a group photo and then dropped the gate for us. David on his 450F grabbed the holeshot, MX547, then ME. I quickly faded to fifth but that was fun. Rich, thanks for a great day at your track. I hope the pictures I took turn out. It was great riding and bench racing with everyone there. BTW, North Texas Smack Pack is an accurate discription of these guys. Next time, I'm bringing waders. ;)


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
I posted about the day in another thread. It was a blast. Turns out the GasGas' carb had come loose from the boot. I sighed a sigh of relief. Twinspar is really fast on his pretty bike. Overall a very good day.


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
Originally posted by TwinSpar
He suffered a broken heal, tibia, and radius/radial He will be out 6 to 8 weeks.

too bad about the injuries, hate to see it.
are you sure it wasn't the fibula (the small bone in the lower leg)? i broke my tibia once and i had a cast on for twenty weeks (and that was getting it off four weeks early).


AssClown WannaBe
N. Texas SP
Aug 18, 1999
It was one of those ibias! Clean breaks on all so healing time is faster. He was still smack talkin from home... he's not far from healed!


Oct 15, 1999

First off... Rick is a tough SOB. He had all those broken bones and acted as if it was only a slight inconvienence when he was driving himself to the hospital. And I thought I was a tough guy when I drove myself to the ER with a broken collarbone a year ago. HA! Get well fast!

It was cool meeting you guys. I had a good time out there and can't wait to do it again. We should have quarterly rides, there is plenty of us in the area, so there is no excuse we can't do it.

Russ is great, very dedicated track ownerm (Badlands)...wish they were all like him.

Now I gotta figure out who was who...I have all these screen names and faces and real names...and no way to cross reference anything in my pea brain.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
I'm easy to remember. I'm the fat guy on the bike with handgaruds and enduro computer. The bike also says swift,swift on the side.....oh I mean GasGas. ;)


Camp Tejas Chef
N. Texas SP
Jan 14, 2002
Guys. I am working on the Video. I should be getting most of it tomorrow and then I will be editing it. Hopefully I will have it done real soon. Any suggestions on music?


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Originally posted by txbigguy
Guys. I am working on the Video. I should be getting most of it tomorrow and then I will be editing it. Hopefully I will have it done real soon. Any suggestions on music?
Def Leopard, "Pyromania". ROCK ON, ROCK ON! :aj:

slo' mo

slower than slow...
May 5, 2000
good night! :scream: Talk about bad mojo! I really wish I could have been there to ride with everyone I met at the SX. Hope to get to the Muenster SF this saturday. If I get home that is :(
Rick, get well soon. :aj: Thump,what did you do to get that result?

Badlands MX

Jun 28, 2000
DRN.... a class act

Bare with me a minute as I am posting for the first time (absolute technophobe). Without gettin all misty-eyed, I just want to thank all of you that made it out to Badlands monday. As always, my experiences with DRN riders are absolutely 100% enjoyable and I must say refreshing-you guys are a CLASS ACT, and are welcome here any time! I have not spoken with the Teske family today, but I can assure you all that they will greatly appreciate receiving your proceeds, and the "tips" that were given for little Jays medical expenses, (thanks Jay, Mark, anyone I missed). I agree that Rick handled his injury like the true champion that he is, and our prayers are with him as well as Dan, and Thumps YZ. (Glad to hear your Gas-Gas will survive, Justin). HUGE thanks for all of the kind words you gave the track, etc. they are sometimes far between.... its all about fun though, and without a doubt, the greatest pasttime/family sport on the planet. Hope you guys had a good time, as I had a blast meeting all of you. (Yeah, all of you woods riders too). Count on us if you ever want to do it again. As always, good to see Twinspar, Thump, and you guys that "played" at our place when we were an EZ up and a generator. Thanks again for a great day. God Bless.
Russ at Badlands


One more time!

I had typed out a huge ride report at home yesterday and when I tried to browse a picture to attach, IE locked up on me and I lost it all! :(

Pretty much everything has been covered by now, so I would just like to echo everyone's previous comments:

This is an incredible thing we have here at DRN. When you are with a fellow DRN'er, you are with family. Gene (tx246) and his family did an incredible job with haveing about eight riders crashing at his place for the weekend. Well done, my friend. Russ-Incredible facility there at Badlands. Beautiful place. Although some of those jumps are a little big, dontcha think? :D Zero-Giving a free demonstration on how it should be done! Great riding. :) Thump-Thanks for babysitting me at "Shiny Groove" and feeding me afterward. (Lou like food!)

Met an incredible amount of people over the weekend, all of them first class in my book. Some for the first time, others I had met before. I've always said, meeting DRN'ers is like meeting a long lost friend for the first time. You are immediately a family member when you do meet them. Hopefully I won't forget anyone here:

Swift, justql, tx246 and family, mx547, little 547, David and Stevie, Twinspar, Patman and family, Rick and Eric, Thump, Sara, taraker, Slo-mo, No-mo, txvintage, txbigguy, zero, and Russ at BadlandsMX.

I know I've forgotten at least a few of you, just let me know! There were several people that aren't on the boards, but I suspect they soon will be!

PS: I was looking all over for Billywho when Thump's bike seized, but I couldn't find him! *shrug* :D

And now, PICTURES!


Jay's 11 year old daughter, Kendall getting more air than me: (I'm not proud of that fact!)
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