Basic Porting Question


Nov 17, 2001
How much of a difference does porting make? I ask because of this. I am very new to motocross track riding. I started with a DR 250 suzuki bike. Obviously, the suspension and handling of my newer 1997 YZ 250 cannot be compared with the 300 lb beast. But, I really liked the 350 motor. I liked the ability to leave it in one gear and motor around.

Would one of the low-mid Eric porting jobs give my bike this, or would it make the low rpms more violent and throw me into the horse dung tilled track (again).

My bike (used) has a pro circuit pipe and silencer on it. The top end and powervalve are new. The bikehas a rad valve but is stock in all other ways.

I also hate to create a bike that is only good at my basic level. I am sure I could improve and would not want to keep changing the bike to match a higher skill level. (this happened in a dream, I became very good)


Nov 5, 2001
RC (i still dont know your name)

go for it, i think you will like it, i did and it definately helped me. It meant i could use 3rd gear a lot more on some corners and had to rely on the clutch less so i could concentrate on holding on more! Most of the tracks here are very SX style twisty so it works well, but even on the fast open stuff i havent run out of gears, even with an extra tooth on the back. its real fun on the rough uphills (Carlsbad) also, lugging it at the bottom of the hill in 3rd, bit of clutch and away you go, front wheel in the air, dont forget to wave at the 4-strokes on the way past (yep, even someone of my spodely proportions)....they always wave back at the next corner though!:)

the bike will seem like it has more power, its there, its firm, but its not violent, its well metered with the throttle and easier to use.

i dont think it will hold you back as you get faster, but i suppose some of our more qualified riders will attest to this, but i suppose it would be easy enough to change back by using a thicker base gasket and removing the epoxy from the transfers etc.

go for it, the best present santa could bring in my opnion! :thumb:


Jan 9, 2000
Alot of riders like a certain type of power-even as they get faster-so you may love more power now and love it even more as you progress:)
funny thing is when i was a junior i loved top end screamers, now im expert level i crave something that will pull out of corners well, so i can use that power to steer the bike from the back.


Nov 17, 2001
My first name is Roland, you guys can call me anything you wnat to. I appreciate your taking the time to help me understand this!
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