I don't post often, but I would like to share my experience with H1R. After finishing a recent enduro, our chase crew came back to the pits with a troubled look on their faces. It turns out that most of the riders came in, got gassed and out they went, no problems. Well, my wife was having a few problems and didn't get gassed up with the rest of us or with the right fuel. Someone filled her up with about one and a half gallons of four stoke (straight) fuel. She only runs a 2.1 tank on her '95 Rm125. She left the gas stop before anyone realized this. After they told me this I was really expecting her to be brought back in the back of somebodys pick up ready to kill her mechanic ( me).:( . Well, I waited by the road for a while but no Rm. Just as I was about to go look for her, she comes riding up like everybody else. She didn't even know what had happened. Her last loop had her burning another gallon of fuel. Now, I mixed at 40 to 1, so with the addition of 1.5 gallons of straight mixed in with no more than .5 gals. of 40/1 you can figure, she was running that little 125 at quite a diluted ratio that last 30 miles of south Jersey sand. I was impressed, but even more so after tearing it down the next day. Expecting to see at least some sign of abuse, I found none. Now I know that my wife doesn't push that motor as hard as some do, but anyone riding through sandy conditions knows that you can't baby it either. I am a believer in H1R's protective capabilies. I now mix at 32/1 and will stick with Bel-Ray!l