bike advise


Apr 10, 2008
1) 5 7/173lbs
2) very physical/aggressive
3) will be riding in Montana/trails/logging roads/XC in the mountains
4)experience on dirt and street years ago
5) Do you think you will race ? nope
6) Are you mechanically inclined? NOPE/I'm a firefighter, I tend to break stuff;)
7) there's a KTM/Honda dealer close/will buy 4 stroke, not really brand loyal but I like KTM's over Honda and Yammie over Honda
9) How much ($) do you plan to spend on a bike? really don't have any idea/would like new bike
10) Do you live in California? NO
11) Your age? 39
12) anything else that you think would help form an opinion

thanks for any advise
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