
Mar 25, 2022
1) your physical size = 6ft 6in. 215lbs
2) How physical / aggressive are you? Not very
3) what do you plan to ride- MX/SX tracks, woods, fields with friends or? Woods, desert, trails
4) Do you have any riding experience? ridden a borrowed KLX230 twice, 1 hour total
5) Do you think you will race? No!
6) Are you mechanically inclined and will you be doing your own bike work? Yes
7) Do YOU have a preference to a brand/ motor choice (2 or 4 stroke)? 4 stroke, Like Honda but open
8) Do you have a dealer close by your home that you might use and what brand(s) does he carry? Yes, Clawson, carry most everything
9) How much ($) do you plan to spend on a bike? $5k to $6k
10) Your age? 46
11) Do you live in California? Yes, near Yosemite


Dec 31, 1969
Thanks for answering the questions and welcome to DRN.

Okay so your size and where you will ride (desert) calls for a 450. I'd suggest looking at something along the lines of a Honda 450X, or anything else made more for the riding you are interested in. Most of the major brands make an off-road version of their MX bikes.

These bikes will typically come from the factory with wide ratio transmissions, larger fuel tanks, suspension tuned (usually softer) more towards trails, headlight, etc.

As far as the power of a 450 goes and a new rider. Everyone will have their opinion on this but at the end of the day and what type of riding you are interested in, you'll just need to take it easy until you get some time on the bike and get comfortable. 4-strokes are very controllable and have linear power delivery, so taking care with the right wrist will keep you safe.

You can also look at what Kawasaki calls "Recreational Trail Bikes" . These are far less capable in general, typically heavier and much less powerful. Examples are Kawasaki KLX 300, Honda CRF250F, Yamaha TT-R230 and others. These things are under-sprung to begin with and typically have a lower seat height, something not well suited to your size.


Mar 25, 2022
Awesome, good info. Appreciated!
Desert would be mostly more packed, not like major sand, Dove springs, jawbone et al..


Mar 25, 2022
Still have not found something suitable, looked at a CRF250F, whats the thought on that? Right at 35" seat height.. couple shorter than i think is suggested but more in line for price and for a novice?
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