Bike idles way too fast when cold


Mar 19, 2003
greets all!

I've been having this issue with my bike when I start it cold. I pull the choke, kick it over and it starts right up. The problem I'm having is that I immediately have to shut the choke off and even then, the bike revs out WAY too high. I'm really starting to worry that it might hurt the bike to rev so high when cold.

The interesting thing is, once it's warmed up, it idles perfectly.

1 thing I had tried once was drop the needle 1 notch to lean it out at the bottom end but that made the idle even higher when cold. Once warmed up tho, it worked great.

I always thought my bike was running rich since my plugs are always black but I may be wrong.

Anyone have any ideas on this?


Jan 9, 2000
Its a little lean on the pilot-however some people just regulate the revs with the choke.It could still be rich on the main but lean on the pilot.


Mar 19, 2003
So I should try to raise the needle a notch or 2 and that should fix it? What do you mean by regulate with the choke? I seem to think that turning the choke on would raise the revs even higher than what it is now and that would probably blow my piston out the top.

I raised the needle back to stock position last night and it did seem to slow it down a little so maybe I'll try to raise it to the 2nd position from the top and see if that makes a difference.

If anyone has any ideas or suggestions on this, I would really appreciate to read what you have to say.

This is a scary thing to hear it rev so high. It's REALLY high revving and I just got done changing my top end, clutch and reeds and I don't want to have to redo this work for at least a month or 2.



Feb 3, 2003
my it175 when it is out of gas goes WAY up there i mean freaky high.... it sounds like its gonna blow... but when its full it dosen't and when i have the choke it dose that too but after a few seconds it slows to a higher then normal but still manage able rev


Mod Ban
Apr 1, 2002
Its lean on the pilot, my bike does the same now.

Could i turn the air screw out a little to try and richen it up?

My choke also will only stay full on or off, if i try to set it at mid it just turns itself off (like the plunger goes back in), could this be a problem?


Jan 9, 2000
First thing to try is too richen the aircrew by turning it clockwise. if you end up less then one turn you need a richer pilot jet.I wouldnt mess with the needle clip as this is a different area of the circuit.To regulate the choke you pull it up to start and then push it back down to lower the revs,if it tries to die pull the choke on and so on,


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
Have you tried leaving the choke on longer?? COuld be that the carb doesn't have enough fuel in it yet.. Also, before kicking over when cold, lean the bike over too the left some, fuel will spill out of the tubes, then kick it over..
Hope this helps you,
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