Bike is almost ready


Professional Mud Tester
Aug 30, 2001
Well, my Gas Gas is almost ready. I put new tires and plastic on it this week. The plastic wasn't broken, just really faded and dry. The tires were dry-rotted and hard so they did really need to be replaced. The shock was a different story. I sent it to my regular suspension guy to see if he could fix it. There was oil leaking all over the place and he was going to try to repair it. After further inspection he told me he would do what he could but I decided due to the time constraints with DW coming up that I would look in to other options.

After some checking around, I found a couple of different ones available, but ended up going with the stock replacement as it is the most economical. I just hope that I don't end up having to rebuild this one in a couple of years and having to buy a new one again. I guess my great deal on my trials bike wasn't as good as I thought it was, but much of what I have done to this bike would have needed to be done to another used bike that would have cost me $500 to $600 more. But for right now I am just stoked to get to ride it and it should be ready to go at DW.

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Professional Mud Tester
Aug 30, 2001
I am not sure that I know how to take that statement, but I will go practice as soon as the shock comes in!!! It will be here next week just in time to install before heading off to DW '03. :confused:

It's been since 1986 since I have owned a trials bikes so I know I need the practice.


Aug 29, 2001
Sorry I was J/K. It seems that most people I've known that get a trials bike don't seem to bother to practice much. And then they turn up to an event and get a bit of a shock!! My brother and one of my friends are included, and both got grumpy with me when they couldn't ride very well on the day.

So get out there (when the shocks been installed) and get into it!!!


Professional Mud Tester
Aug 30, 2001
I have every intention to. I have not been enjoying riding enduros lately and needed a change of pace. I have been missing riding trials so I figured this was a good time to get back into it.

Thanks for the encouragement.



Jul 9, 2003
hell i cross train on a mountain and bmx bike and in the winter (south central nebraska) I just get on it in the shed and balance with the motor off for practice, but this year I am setting up an indoor section for light training :)


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
Originally posted by wayneg
Now please go out and practice on it!!! ;)

DirtWeek WILL be practice!  ;)

We'll make sure Motohead gets over to the trials area for two 30-minute sessions a day during that week.  :confused:
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