Would some type of a dirt bike show / event work at a nudist campground?


Jul 8, 2024
Hi everyone and thanks for reading.
My husband and I own a seasonal nudist campground and we are always looking for interesting event to host throughout the summer. We have hosted motorcycle events a few times and they have gone very well. These have been mainly street bikes that the participants rode in and we understand dirt bikes are a little different. These events are clothing optional however there is plenty of complete nudity as well. An event that we could invite the general public in to enjoy would be the best. Any ideas from you would be great. Feel free to ask us anything you would like and hope to hear


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Dirtbike riders wear safety gear... difference between a street rider and dirt rider is the street rider wears a helmet in case they wreck. A dirtbike rider wears a helmet for WHEN we fall.

Monkey butt and road rash will be 1,000% worse without some fabric on the body.
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