Boggy Bottom End


Jun 29, 2000
Hi Guys,

Sorry I ain't been on for a while but been really busy and that.

Anyway the old 90 200 SR has been bogging a little on the bottom end recently causing the bike to stall on low revs.

Im not sure wheather its just a plug, filter clean and quick service or maybe my cylinder is getting real close to the replating point. The bike has had a complete rebuild and all new part except for the cylinder which looked a little worn when it was off.

Any ideas?


Jul 29, 2000
South America
no way is it the cylinder. My cylinder/piston fit is so bad you can hear the piston slapping but it still runs good.
Could be your reed valves. check that they're not letting "blowback" happen. If they are just bent some then reverse
them so that they seal better.
If not that then take your carb off and spray out the jets, especially the idle jet.
If one of your power valves is broken it could be in the "open" position which would make it run good at high revs but
poorly at lower revs.

David Trustrum

Jan 25, 2001
Generally fibre reeds will perform ok until the point the fray & then the bike will be a pig to start. It is the back pressure that closes them more than the spring tension of the reed itself, though I have noted some fibreglass can become impregnated with oil causing a small drop off but bugger all so forget I said it.

Definitely clean or better yet replace the air filter. Sparkplug goes without saying to replace, as does cleaning the pilot jet of the carb. As Jag sez check the pv (several threads on this recently). & check the pipe & muffler aren’t clogged up.

Failing this check for airleaks. Ask again if so.


Jun 29, 2000
Thanks guys,

I think its more than likely the idle jet, and / or the air filter as its never really been changed or cleaned for that.

I know, I know shameful behavour but you know how it is.

It definately not the power valves, it just not that kind of boggy. As soon as it clears then theres power low down. they where only changed about 3 /4 months ago.

I think a stripe and service is just the order of the day but i had to ask as most other bikes Ive had, usually have major problems when things start going down hill. must say though Im well impressed with the bulletproffness of this bike.

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