
Jul 3, 2002
This is from the web page of the Pacific NW 4 Wheel Drive Association.

Motorized Recreation

Information from the BLM on a pipe bomb that was found at a gate. We have gotten more details. It was an 8-inch long, 2-inch diameter heavy-schedule PVC pipe. It was attached to a Swanson gate in Douglas County. When the bomb squad sprayed it with a water canon, it exploded. It had a mercury switch inside that detonated with movement.

In addition, a small, gunpowder-filled bomb with a fuse was found in Clackamas County. It was made out of PVC also, with two caps threaded onto a double-ended female connector.

If you see something that doesn't look right, leave it alone. Nothing more then terrorism being used to push a very radical agenda. Don't become a victim. Be alert. Pass on to your riding buddies.

Tahuya Rat

Apr 11, 2002
Keep your eyes open 6/12

FBI Warns of Eco-Terrorism Threat

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

WASHINGTON — The FBI warned law enforcement agencies of the potential for criminal activity in response to a call for action in support of a convicted eco-terrorist, according to the weekly bulletin issued by the agency and obtained by Fox News.

"Supporters of anarchist and convicted arsonist Jeff Luers (search) have designated Saturday, June 12, 2004 an 'International Day of Action and Solidarity with Jeff 'Free' Luers,' alternatively entitled 'J12,'" the FBI said in the bulletin.

"J12 events are planned in Eugene, Oregon; Olympia, Washington; San Francisco and Modesto, California; Lawrence, Kansas; Morgantown, West Virginia; Worcester, Massachusetts; Portland, Maine; and Lake Worth, Florida."

Luers is from Eugene, Ore. According to the FBI, he is widely celebrated as a martyr within anarchist and extremist animal rights and environmental circles.

On June 16, 2000, he was convicted for his involvement in an Earth Liberation Front (search)-style arson at a truck dealership and an attempted arson at an oil company in Eugene. He is serving a 22-year prison sentence — the longest, according to the FBI, ever handed down for eco-terrorist actions in the U.S.

The ELF is a radical group of environmentalists that has claimed responsibility for various acts of arson and vandalism and is listed as the FBI's No. 1 domestic terrorism priority.

"Luers' notoriety could potentially inspire autonomous ELF cells to carry out symbolic actions in solidarity with Luers against traditional targets, such as SUV (search) dealerships, lumber logging facilities, and residential construction sites in environmentally sensitive areas during J12 events," the FBI noted.

"While the FBI has no specific information regarding planned terrorist actions to coincide with J12 events, law enforcement officers should be alert to indicators of possible terrorist planning, including suspicious surveillance of targeted industries, such as SUV dealerships, animal research laboratories and construction sites," the FBI said in the bulletin.

The Earth Liberation Front has claimed responsibility for a string of arsons in Detroit, Philadelphia and San Diego, where a fire last year destroyed a 206-unit apartment complex under construction, causing $50 million worth of damage.

Fox News' Anna Stolley contributed to this report.



Mod Ban
Jun 5, 2001
I don't know about the rest of the country, but West Virginians are not going to tolerate the actions of these extreme whackos. I for one may just go to Morgantown to confront the extremists. I am a tax paying citizen and make full use of trails wether they are on public land or private property and will continue to do so. I won't stand for a "special interest" group dictating to me what I can and can't do! Futhermore, the invironmentalists have another thing coming if they think they can push their agenda here in WV. I think there are enough rednecks in this state to deter them in their evil actions. Show your support for the OHV community and show up at the mentioned locations above.


Resident mental case
Dec 1, 2001
Time to get out the ELF hunting gun. Time to start fighting back with the same tactics.



Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Stuck at the top!

Tahuya Rat

Apr 11, 2002
RE: the Olympia, WA site, wouldn't be surprised for one tiny second if the same city council that just turned away our servicemen (and their sub named after the city) actually invited the elves from hell. That council is controlled by the idealogical abominations coming out of Evergreen College, home of that incredibly stupid and now decidedly dead girl that determined getting in between an Israeli bulldozer and a terrorist's house was a safe thing to do.
I'd already had plans before I heard of this, and I'm pretty sure I'd get myself in trouble If I went, so I won't.
Tod's post got me thinking, I remember a link to an eco nazi handbook on what to do if the country was ever invaded by an army on motorcycles (really, I'm not/was not on drugs!). It had step by step instructions on how to bury planks with nails so when you hit the edge of 'em you get a 16d in the noggin, how to give a nick berg haircut with fishing line, and on and on and on for quite awhile. Obviously, the handbook was text for those wishing to murder off road recreationalists.
These freaks are very likely enboldened by the recent city council actions, that's the only reason I'm concerned at all.

Tahuya Rat

Apr 11, 2002
FBI warning

Day of action" plans trigger FBI warning

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OLYMPIA — The FBI has warned at least 10 police departments across the country that radical environmentalists might be staging protests this weekend to show support for a jailed arsonist.
The FBI sent bulletins to police, saying the Earth Liberation Front (ELF) reportedly was planning a "day of action and solidarity" that could include acts of vandalism, Olympia police Cmdr. Tor Bjornstad said.

While no specific targets were identified in the bulletin, Bjornstad said his department has contacted potential target businesses, including auto dealerships, building contractors and the Port of Olympia, which exports logs.

"We have to take it seriously, and one of the reasons is that this group has claimed credit for a fair amount of criminal activity in the past several years ... so it's not the kind of group you want to shrug off as a lot of talk and not much more," Bjornstad told The Associated Press yesterday.

ELF has been linked to fires and vandalism at agriculture research labs, logging operations, car dealerships and construction sites. The group has defended its actions as efforts aimed at stopping companies from profiting from exploiting the environment.

A Web site titled "International Day of Action & Solidarity with Jeff 'Free' Luers" featured a list of events planned for today, from protests at SUV dealerships to a naked bike ride in Olympia.

Jeff Luers is an environmental activist serving a 22-year sentence in Oregon for a 2000 arson at an auto dealership and an attempted arson at an oil company.

Bjornstad said no one in his department had heard about the naked bike event until he received the FBI bulletin Thursday.

"We're just grateful it's not pogo sticks," he said.

In addition to Olympia, the bulletins were sent to police departments in Eugene, Ore.; San Francisco; Modesto, Calif.; Morgantown, W.Va.; Portland, Maine; Worcester, Mass.; Lake Worth, Fla.; and Lawrence, Kan

Uh, does anyone here own a paintball gun?? :rotfl:


Sep 10, 2003
I was pretty upset about the USS Olympia not being allowed to visit. Having served on submarines for six years I couldn't figure out what the problem was. My wife works for the Port of Olympia and she said security was the issue as currently much material bound for Iraq is shipping out of Olympia and resources are stretched, but I have been to a few city council meetings and we're talking way, way out in left field so it wasn't just security. I usually have to calm my wife down a couple times a week after night meetings due to total frustration. Evergreen State College is a breeding ground for many of these activists.


Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
If I'm not mistaken, tjhis is the second year I have seen this same warning in the same area for the same bomb threat and the same results.

I'm not saying don't worry about it, because this sh*t does happen, but I would doulbe check the validity of this report and see if isn't a internet rumor

We're dealing with roofing nails a 20 penny nails on our local trails, but no bombs yet.


Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
ROTFLMFAO...............what a nipple head, I didn't read the date, :bang: :bang: ok I'm going to take a nap now :fft:
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