Boysen Reed Block for KDX


Jul 8, 2004

I currently have a 2005 KDX200 with may extra bits, FMF Gnarly pipe, FMF Powercore 2 silencer, Boysen reed petals and lots more extras.

What I want to know, is how much more of a difference to the power does the reed block make, how big is the increase in power and torque?

What other Mods can I do to the KDX that will improve the performance of the bike and get it closer to a 250 2 stroke and better than a KTM200EXC in the power and Torque areas?


May 26, 2005
go check out this site They do a carb and head mod that will make great power everywhere. If thats not enough you can have the cylinder ported by Jeff Fredette, Eric Gorr or many others to get even more power. From what I hear the carb and head mod are really good upgrades for the KDX. I have the Rad valve in my 220 and it's not really much better than just a good set of reeds which you already have. After next weekends final Hare Scramble of the season I'm sending out my suspension, carb and head to have them all reworked for next seasons races. ;)


Jul 8, 2004
I have been looking at the RB Design site, I will be doing some looking into it, I will also look at JFR and Eric Gorr. Thanks for your input. By boring out the engine and porting the head, does it effect the reliability in any way?
May 26, 2005
Anytime you up the compression you start to shorten life span. If the compression is left at stock levels the ticking bomb effect is lessend. If you can build a fast pump gas engine thats your best bet for longevity :)

I e-mailed RB yesterday about doing my head and carb and Rob said he's booked up through June. His turnarond time is about 5 to 7 days :)

I'm on the fence right now about doing suspension first or the motor. The logical side of my brain says do the suspension and worry about power later but the little devil inside is telling me MORE POWER NOW.


May 17, 2003
Eric Gorr told me that the KDXs have such a low compression ratio to begin with that raising it some is not too much of a concern (longevity or detonation wise). Just don't go overboard.


Apr 2, 2005
A Q&A guru at another site, who has been answering dirt bike questions for over 30 years, has written that boring can help longevity on some bikes. The thinner cylinder walls disipate heat better; cooler running. I don't remember the question he was answering, or the bike it was about. It may apply only to air cooled engines.
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