Brake light


Jun 27, 2001
I'm looking to get my KDX street registered (New Hampshire), what is the easiest way of making the rear brake light work (with the brake lever)? I understand that it basically takes a simple connection from the brake lever to the light. Does anyone know of a kit to do this, or a simple at home method?



Jul 14, 2002
Yes... a hydraulic switch for about $20 that is made for this application. You need the Nissan thread pattern. This replaces your banjo bolt on your master cyl. They are all over the BAY-e.


Aug 12, 2004

That is an easy way to make a brake light. You must understand that this bike is meant for off road use it is equipt with offroad use only tires. The D.O.T. Department OF Transportation Mandates Any Vehicle Operated On City, State, OR federal Highway must have D.O.T. Approved Tires.
Also you Must have D.O.T. Approved front light, rear stop light and tail light. Turn signal vary with the state you are in. Some states require for them to license the vehicle; that all signal lights Must BE in working order others only require the use of head light and tail light. Some state require that you have the bike inspected by a local state trooper. What you really need to do is check with you local Dictrict of Motor Vehicles. They Should Be able to direct you in the Approiate steps to follow.



Jun 27, 2001
I believe here in NH you need the headlight, taillight, DOT tires, mirror and horn. You do need to get it registered and inspected. I was mainly concerned with getting the brakelight to work with the brake. The rest of the items are simple add-ons.



Oct 14, 1999
re: 'I understand that it basically takes a simple connection from the brake lever to the light.'


Rethnal answered the question well enough for you?

With that pressure switch attached you still have to wire in something for it to activate, either a bypass of a resistor you have wired into your 1156 socket assy (single filament) or a separate wire for your newly wired 1157 socket assembly (dual filament).

Either of those is a 'simple at-home method.' Well...if things like that are simple for you. Maybe not. Do try some searches on the matter. It's been discussed quite a number of times. already new that.

Oh, the thread linked above has some problems with I understand what is being said anyway. The way it's described it will not work.

If the resistor is in the hot lead (the single filament approach) you don't 'activate' a brighter light by running that hot lead to a pressure activated switch unless you use two wires to bypass (go around) the resistor.

A resistor wired into the ground lead can be used with one wire to the pressure activated switch. Yes, this also bypasses the resistor but in this case what your are bypassing TO is system ground. As long as the resistance of the switch is less than the installed resistor the light will brighten when the switch is activated. Obviously a difference of one ohm between the two isn't going to amount to much difference, 'eh?

The two filament approach will give you a much brighter light. It also sucks considerably more current which an oem light coil equipped KDX won't be able to handle well.

You could use an additional LED piece for the brakelight and leave the OEM taillight alone..except for using the hot lead to run the LED. Such an 'extra' LED clearance light can be had from walmart for less than $10. It's not quite as easy as, '...a simple connection from the brake lever to the light.'


Jun 27, 2001
Sorry guys, I didn't read the latest threads before posting this one. It looks like there are three others going on essentially about the same topic.


Oct 14, 1999
Yes. Those going on and other older (archived) threads. I got a couple of pages (not all relevant) with a search for 'brake AND light' on CDaves forum over the past year.

Anyway, the point is.......did you find what you need?

If not, ask.


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