well i went down pretty hard today :bang: and i bent my brake pretty bad, i don't even want to try bending it back because it will cause more damage than its worth.
so what is a good cheap rotor because as of now i am on a budget. i looked on eb*y and couldn't find any front brake rotors and i need one quick :think:
ive been looking around and i cant find any for under 100 bucks, does anyone have link to a site where i can get one for cheaper maybe? thanks, helps greatly appreciated!
i am surprised how easily a brake rotor can bend under some circumstances - try doing it and you can't, but dump the bike and kick it with your boot and it bends...
I just don't see how it bent from falling, i don't think it can even come in contact with the ground from just falling i'm just glad i didn't break spokes or bend my rim