Budds Creek maryland state championship


Oct 14, 2001
well, my first MX race, i raced 250-C and colllegeboy classes. My first 250-C moto went alright, i think i was about 20/40. Collegeboy: wow these guys are fast...i did bad. in the 2nd 250-C moto i overjumped the Big Gulp (the uphill double) and broke my foot, and luckily the next collegeboy moto was cancelled because of lack of time. So Sunday i decide to do the hare scramble(this was a 2 day event), and i was last off the line in A class (there were only 4 or 5 of us) and i worked my way up to 3rd, and had a pretty good battle for about 3 laps for 3rd place, until i slammed a tree. 3rd place got away from me, and on lap 5 my foot was hurting to bad to continue, so i only manage 5/11 laps :(... Went to the doctor today, and he said i should be able to ride again by the weekend as long as i go easy on my foot this week. Word to the wise: shifting with your heel sucks


Nov 25, 2000
Sucks about the foot, but man you overjumped the big gulp :eek:
You going to be able to ride Budds for the club ride coming up? I'm psyched for that but won't be trying that jump.
Trying to talk myself into racing Antietam Nov. 3rd or Budds Nov. 24 for the hare scrambles


Oct 14, 2001
yeah, ill be there definately. I'm gonna try and get back on the bike this weekend, and i should be @ Antietam on the 3rd, i might give the 125 a shot there. the jump isnt as hard as you think, its just one of those fear-factor jumps
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